Letter to the Governor, and legislators in Ky.

bob silvey

Active Member
I am neither a politician nor do I have any legal experience. I do need help and as a 100% disabled veteran would appreciate if you could make time to read this letter. I am in a situation which is very difficult for my wife and myself and it is affecting my health greatly. I know you are very busy and will try to be brief but I am truly at a loss of what to do and am turning to the one person who I know can make a difference.
I am a 100% permanent and total disabled Viet-nam Veteran. I am asking for your assistance in this matter because I have no knowlege of the legal system or how it works other than the incidents I have been involved in. I am writing in desperation because I feel that my past is being used against me as a punitive tool and I have already paid dearly monetarily, family, and health wise for whatever I have perceived to have done in the past and wish only to live a life that is worry free and provide my spouse the husband she deserves in the final years of our lives. My past has cost me in terms that others would have given up on long ago.
I am asking for a pardon to help avoid what I consider a punitive action by local officials. In addition I would like to receive a pardon for any crime I committed in the period of 1975 to 1979. I was suffering a severe case of PTSD when these ocurred and they were just impulsive stupid acts performed that have cost me in many areas of my life and followed me ever since. I truly was the only victim of these crimes and there was no harm or intent to harm any living thing. I saw Saigon fall in 1975 and had lost many friends there and the pain was so deep I honestly do not remember any of that period of time. When that chapter of my life was closed, I had assumed that what I had done was over and finished and never gave it another thought after completion of my probation in 1982.
After I had completed a residential program for substance abuse which included a year in-patient of treatment and a year follow-up treatment. I have lived a normal and relatively fulfilling life. I went to work for a glass company in Lexington Ky, named Wal-Mac Glass which is now closed and gone, and then in 1985 was employed by the Blue-Grass Army Depot as first as a Switch-board/Central Office Operator under the Veterans Re-Adjustment Act. I thrived in that job and was promoted to a Wire Communications Cable Splicer in 1987 and held that position till my retirement on disability in July 2000. I was able to obtain and maintain a Secret Security Clearance from 1987-1995 when the requirement for that clearance was eliminated from my job description. I worked first at the Lexington Facility and then transferred to the Richmond Facility when the BRAC commission decided to close the Lexington side. I have always loved working outdoors so it was a perfect fit for me. I helped install the first digital Switching System at the Depot and was also the person who terminated and tested the first Fiber-Optic system for the depot. I wished to stay on at the Depot as long as possible but was injured in Late 1999 when I was installing a Fiber Optic cable and the bucket truck I was operating had a hydraulic override fail and my back was damaged and exarbated injuries I had received during my time in the military.
I was forced to retire but was unwilling to accept being unemployed and even though I had my income from SSDI and BGAD, I was able to become employed again by a DSL start-up company called Broadslate who allowed me to work from home and I covered the Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and North Carolina areas testing and bringing on line the DSL equipment and was forced to leave that job when the company ran into financial problems in 2001.
It was still difficult to accept that I could no longer be able to contribute to the work force and I was placed on heavy Pain medicines, medicines to control transient seizures, and attended voluntarily groups daily at the Va Hospital on substance abuse to learn to use my medicines, groups to help me learn to cope with being away from the work force, and individual counseling to help me deal with my situation and accept it. I did this for almost three years and then my wife and I bought the property where we currently reside and I saw a lot of potential for a beautiful home and maybe future expansion of my holdings. From that time forward I have thrown myself into improving this property and when we were able bought small parcels of property to enhance the property and still continue to try and improve my home.
I am now facing some charges which were alleged by someone who has either a personal grudge or I have wronged them somehow. I allegedly grew marijuana within the confines of my home. I do not understand why this has happened but believe that there is a purpose in everything so will accept what ensues.
My problem is that the period of my life when I was at my lowest point will cause the current situation to be enhanced by my past because the charges are being levied against my wife also who has no criminal history whatsoever. I am extremely sorry for the things I have done and cannot change them but would if possible. My contention is that something that happened 28 to 33 years ago should have no bearing on what is going on now and that is why I ask for a pardon. I do not want my wife and family suffering for mistakes I made while in a dark place that I still have not been able to comprehend.
I do wish you would take this under consideration and am able to show that I have deep ties to the community and have done nothing but good since I moved here. My wife and I are very active in the Church, Political, and Educational arena and I am a very active advocate for veterans. I seek your assistance and counsel in this issue because I am just a man who lives in constant pain and am haunted by memories that will never leave. I moved here to be close to my family home and am here to die irregardless of whatever transpires from this current situation.
I can produce many people who will attest to the fact that I try to live a productive and supportive life in the community. Please help me resolve this so that I can live without the shadow of my past following me. It is not fair to my wife or family and what I did may be wrong but I assure you it will not happen again.
Sgt Robert E Silvey USAF/DOD ret.
2665 US 68 PO 276
Ewing, Ky 41039
Home Phone: 606-267-2135
Cell Phone: 606-748-1328

I would appreciate any letters of support in my situation be sent to my attorney. the contact info is:

Gatewood Galbraith
155 East Main Street
Suite 203
Lexington, Ky 40507

His e-mail is gatewood.mis.net

Thanks to anyone willing to help me out. It is time fo a change and hopefully we can make a start in KY. We are all in the same boat together. I am willing to fight for anyone here and hope this is returned from the membership. you seem to be a fine group of folks.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I think I would edit out my personal info if I were you, Bob, and just ask folks to pm you if they want to help you, or write your attorney.Not everyone should see your private info.:peace:

bob silvey

Active Member
I think I would edit out my personal info if I were you, Bob, and just ask folks to pm you if they want to help you, or write your attorney.Not everyone should see your private info.:peace:
This has been in every newspaper and the network news and none of it is anything but public info. I have nothing to hide. It is all available on the internet.

bob silvey

Active Member
Didn't mean to snap at you, I just think we have become so paranoid of the police state we live in now that more should stand up and be counted. We allow them to keep us intimidated with their punitive actions and the only way I can get my message out is to let them know who I am and what I am doing. In this age all we need to do is find whatever we want through a simple records search. But we gave them that power and we can also retract it.
There is power in numbers and that is why I have made an appeal for each and every person to write to our website and voice their opinion plus any personal letters through my attorney would be extremely helpful. Unless we stand as one, we are subject to whatever they wish to continue with. The mindset has to change in every city and town across the country and it is a daunting task but one I am willing to work for.


Well-Known Member
I am neither a politician nor do I have any legal experience. I do need help and as a 100% disabled veteran would appreciate if you could make time to read this letter. I am in a situation which is very difficult for my wife and myself and it is affecting my health greatly. I know you are very busy and will try to be brief but I am truly at a loss of what to do and am turning to the one person who I know can make a difference.
I am a 100% permanent and total disabled Viet-nam Veteran. I am asking for your assistance in this matter because I have no knowlege of the legal system or how it works other than the incidents I have been involved in. I am writing in desperation because I feel that my past is being used against me as a punitive tool and I have already paid dearly monetarily, family, and health wise for whatever I have perceived to have done in the past and wish only to live a life that is worry free and provide my spouse the husband she deserves in the final years of our lives. My past has cost me in terms that others would have given up on long ago.
I am asking for a pardon to help avoid what I consider a punitive action by local officials. In addition I would like to receive a pardon for any crime I committed in the period of 1975 to 1979. I was suffering a severe case of PTSD when these ocurred and they were just impulsive stupid acts performed that have cost me in many areas of my life and followed me ever since. I truly was the only victim of these crimes and there was no harm or intent to harm any living thing. I saw Saigon fall in 1975 and had lost many friends there and the pain was so deep I honestly do not remember any of that period of time. When that chapter of my life was closed, I had assumed that what I had done was over and finished and never gave it another thought after completion of my probation in 1982.
After I had completed a residential program for substance abuse which included a year in-patient of treatment and a year follow-up treatment. I have lived a normal and relatively fulfilling life. I went to work for a glass company in Lexington Ky, named Wal-Mac Glass which is now closed and gone, and then in 1985 was employed by the Blue-Grass Army Depot as first as a Switch-board/Central Office Operator under the Veterans Re-Adjustment Act. I thrived in that job and was promoted to a Wire Communications Cable Splicer in 1987 and held that position till my retirement on disability in July 2000. I was able to obtain and maintain a Secret Security Clearance from 1987-1995 when the requirement for that clearance was eliminated from my job description. I worked first at the Lexington Facility and then transferred to the Richmond Facility when the BRAC commission decided to close the Lexington side. I have always loved working outdoors so it was a perfect fit for me. I helped install the first digital Switching System at the Depot and was also the person who terminated and tested the first Fiber-Optic system for the depot. I wished to stay on at the Depot as long as possible but was injured in Late 1999 when I was installing a Fiber Optic cable and the bucket truck I was operating had a hydraulic override fail and my back was damaged and exarbated injuries I had received during my time in the military.
I was forced to retire but was unwilling to accept being unemployed and even though I had my income from SSDI and BGAD, I was able to become employed again by a DSL start-up company called Broadslate who allowed me to work from home and I covered the Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and North Carolina areas testing and bringing on line the DSL equipment and was forced to leave that job when the company ran into financial problems in 2001.
It was still difficult to accept that I could no longer be able to contribute to the work force and I was placed on heavy Pain medicines, medicines to control transient seizures, and attended voluntarily groups daily at the Va Hospital on substance abuse to learn to use my medicines, groups to help me learn to cope with being away from the work force, and individual counseling to help me deal with my situation and accept it. I did this for almost three years and then my wife and I bought the property where we currently reside and I saw a lot of potential for a beautiful home and maybe future expansion of my holdings. From that time forward I have thrown myself into improving this property and when we were able bought small parcels of property to enhance the property and still continue to try and improve my home.
I am now facing some charges which were alleged by someone who has either a personal grudge or I have wronged them somehow. I allegedly grew marijuana within the confines of my home. I do not understand why this has happened but believe that there is a purpose in everything so will accept what ensues.
My problem is that the period of my life when I was at my lowest point will cause the current situation to be enhanced by my past because the charges are being levied against my wife also who has no criminal history whatsoever. I am extremely sorry for the things I have done and cannot change them but would if possible. My contention is that something that happened 28 to 33 years ago should have no bearing on what is going on now and that is why I ask for a pardon. I do not want my wife and family suffering for mistakes I made while in a dark place that I still have not been able to comprehend.
I do wish you would take this under consideration and am able to show that I have deep ties to the community and have done nothing but good since I moved here. My wife and I are very active in the Church, Political, and Educational arena and I am a very active advocate for veterans. I seek your assistance and counsel in this issue because I am just a man who lives in constant pain and am haunted by memories that will never leave. I moved here to be close to my family home and am here to die irregardless of whatever transpires from this current situation.
I can produce many people who will attest to the fact that I try to live a productive and supportive life in the community. Please help me resolve this so that I can live without the shadow of my past following me. It is not fair to my wife or family and what I did may be wrong but I assure you it will not happen again.
Sgt Robert E Silvey USAF/DOD ret.
2665 US 68 PO 276
Ewing, Ky 41039
Home Phone: 606-267-2135
Cell Phone: 606-748-1328

I would appreciate any letters of support in my situation be sent to my attorney. the contact info is:

Gatewood Galbraith
155 East Main Street
Suite 203
Lexington, Ky 40507

His e-mail is gatewood.mis.net

Thanks to anyone willing to help me out. It is time fo a change and hopefully we can make a start in KY. We are all in the same boat together. I am willing to fight for anyone here and hope this is returned from the membership. you seem to be a fine group of folks.
I feel your pain, and know that until I am in my grave I will fight to legalize pot.

We're sleepers now- hundreds of us- people I've met and known who would love to smoke pot and de-criminalize substances. Abusers need to be sent to rehab, not prison, and pot should be a choice for every adult to make based on their individual perspective.

We can't say anything now because they strike us down. But we are many, and we are growing restless with every passing day.:leaf: