LIC's Outdoor Grow 2010


Well-Known Member
This is my first attempt at a outdoor grow, I raised five plants in my fridge until they were about 12" and then set them outside close to the house until they were around 17" then we went and set them out. So ill keep up on this journal and outline my first grow. First indoor fridge grow coming this fall.....

So already i have had some trials and tribulations, right off the bat I planted a tester, I was hoping to see wether or not my spot would be found. About two days after planting, it was gone, with a neat hole in the ground.......I came here on RIU and vented about some asshole that stole may little plant.......seems i was the we will find out later.......

so I swtiched my spot.........I brought out the biggies and set two of em in the ground.......I came back two days later, just to check on em of em was pulled up and laying beside the hole.......obviously an animal but WTF......i used mothballs.....i was across the stream from my buddies grow and my two over there where I replanted it.....i had two more that went in that night 4 in the new spot and 2 in buddy's spot........well I had two more to put in so two days later......I went back to my spot........WWWTTTTFFFF........the other plant beside the first plant that was pulled in this spot was pulled now this point I felt like I was cursed.....the other two planted the most recent were fine.........what the hell was going on????????

So that night I only planted 1 more as one turned out to be a male.....shitty......when we got back we got to talking .......... the fert I had been using was organic fish fertilizer.......we had used it a couple time and in buddys spot tooo the first night there.......but that is why the animals kept diggin up my plants, they were lookin for the and learn...... 7 plants total so far!

Lesson 1) NO ORGANIC NUTES OUTSIDE that smell like fish LOL!


