Life advice on a cannabis forum

Random Anon

New Member
I'm 27, working in a nuclear power plant as an instrumentation and controls technician. The income is great and I live comfortably.

So why do I want so badly to say "fuck it" and figure out a way to make a living somewhere I can grow/smoke pot somewhat legally?

I can never smoke at my current job and I could probably deal with that if I could at least grow. I love pot and everything to do with it. Unfortunately, I live in the ass backwards south, where we have some of the harshest marijuana laws in the country. (5 years minimum for any amount of distribution/cultivation).

So my question is, from anyone who is willing to give input:

Where do I go from here? I don't need to be rich, just comfortable and happy. I have been looking on the internet obsessively for a while now trying to figure out what direction to go in, how do people grow these days, what other people are doing, and I am overloaded.

I don't mind doing the research, putting in the effort, and I have the crazy drive right now... I just don't know where to focus my energy to make this dream my life.

Any response is appreciated, even if it is just to troll.


Well-Known Member
There are ways to run a grow indoors very stealithy. Keep it small and tell no one. Period.

all information in this post is purely fictional and must be taken as such.


Well-Known Member
a lot of people here grow without cards/permits. Go stealth and you ll be fine! Or move to calorado, i think you can legally grow 4 plants

Sent from my MI 2 using Rollitup mobile app


Well-Known Member
Relocate, would be the best advice I can give you. I'm struggling with this issue in my own way actually.

Wait for the state ballots and such, many more states are about to be at least med MJ legal. Then pick a state from there... work as a provider for patients. I'm not familiar with all the medical lingo and acronyms and such, but if you love it so much, grow it and provide people with awesome bud for money.

Passion is the only thing we've got outside of family and death, so pursue your passions!


Well-Known Member
I know exactly how you feel. I have a job that pays really well but i hate it and it takes up too much time. We usually have mandatory over time all summer long. I'm glad i don't get drug tested but i think i enjoy growing more than smoking. I also live in the south but i've been growing about a year and havent had any problems. Im really tempted to quit my job and live off my savings and maybe do some temp work occasionally or sell buds for money to live off.

If you have a house where you can grow, you should do it. Keepyour job while you get some ppractice and see if you are good at it. If your good at it, quit your job and find a friend you trust to sell it for you.