Life always finds a way

Boreal Curing

Well-Known Member
I put out my crop and got sad because I didn't have any more to do. I still didn't have any in my yard yet (yay) so I started a few Nebulis Kush.

I made jam/hon female seeds last year and just pulled out the plants by the roots when I finished scraping the seeds off them, and put them in my fire pit.

I went out to plant the kush yesterday by my shed and damn if some seeds from last year didn't survive my spring brush burn, and germinate. Lol. So I stuck one of the kush right in the center of the pit.

This is by far the latest I ever put some out. If I can quote a post by Julian "it's not the size of the plant, it's the size of the number of plants"



It's not pure ash. Lots of root soil in there.

When people cleaned out the fire place, they ended up with a pot full of ash. PotAsh. Aka Potassium.

It's also how Aztecs made Terra Preta. So ya, you can grow in it.