light burn and room crunching


Active Member
Right not my plant is 10 inch and i only have 24 inches to grow in under my aquarium and right noy am tring to keep it small obviously caus eof hte space so i have it in a16oz beer cup and that liek six inches so my lights are as far high as they cna go and they are burning my leaves so i decided to tie it down and bend the plnt laterally so it more horizontal htne vertical but it just keeps moving vertical any one have suggestion to keep it small or anyhtign and also i have four cfls am flowering right now i have 3 2700K and 1 6500 K dose that one 6500 K make a difference or should i just replace wiht it another 2700K? thanks:-?:-?:peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
You will serve yourself well to read the entire thread on supercropping; however, just snap it at the base with your fingers ever so gently bend her over horizontal and keep her in veg for an additional 1.5 weeks. Have some velcro or duct tape handy for a splint.


Well-Known Member
Just keep tying it down, also known as low stress training (lst). Also look into topping, the "FIM" technique, super-cropping and screen of green (scrog) methods.

All of these methods are designed to better control the growing patterns of your plant, to increase yield and/or make it fit in a smaller space.