light burning plants?


Active Member
high all, first time grower here. im just messing around with growing pot, i have one seedling i am training myself on right now. i have it under 3 23 watt cfls, one warm white, the other 2 cool. is this too much light for one seedling? i noticed the tips of the first leaves are looking burnt... i put a small computer fan blowing on it and turned off one of the lights and raised them so theyre about 3 inches above the plant. is this a serious problem or will it go away?
Check your should maintain your ph at 5.5-5.9...a little higher is ok but I would not go beyond 6.5.

Also nutrient deficiency could be a problem; brown/yellow leaves? Nitrogen/Phosphorus deficiency. Ad organic fertilizer rich in Nitrogen,Phosphorus, Magnesium, Potassium and Boron. Remember during the flowering stage Calcium is very important for your plants.

Good luck.


Active Member
well i dont have a camera. im pretty sure its not a nute deficency cuz im using fox farm ocean forest and its only a seedling... i dont want to add shit this early on, and the ph is fine. the leaves arent like yellow, its definitely a brown color.


Well-Known Member
bro just put your hand right on top of the plant and move your lights acourdingly if it burns your hand its gonna burn your plant your all good keep watering right now tell it get's bigger and stronger and then transplant into a 3 gallon or bigger MY SUGGESTION ONLY so you marijuana super hero's dont fly down my throat ok?