Light Conundrum

so this is my first time growing some :joint: and after a long drawn out internet study i decided to take a few seeds out of my bag of mids and germinate those bad boys!
so a week later i have a sprout, and i put it in id say a quart sized tera-cota pot, with miracle grow poting soil. Im trying to limit the size of the bud plant, im not trying to get a high yeild or even especialy dank bud. i just want to try growing, smoke my product, and be satisfied at my work.
so the plant is about 2 inches tall, its germ leaves are still on it, but the next two big leaves are starting to seperate into stems. Im a bit concerned about how lanky and unstable its getting. so this is my setup:
its in that pot, outside, in non direct sunlight about 12 hours a day. i cant put it in direct sunlight because of security, wihch sucks, i know, but keep in mind my goal.
i also have an aquarium flourecent light in my closet, and i move the bud plant in there at night, for around 6 hours.
my question is this, will the plant be able to live under these conditions?
is there a way i can keep the plant small but still get a reasonable (id be satisfied with maybe a quarter) yeild? my ideal height for the plant would be 1.5-2 feet, so yeah if anyone has any suggestions or words of wisdom, it would be greatly appreciated, thanks



Well-Known Member
Non direct sunlight, especially less than 16 hours of it, is not enough for your plant. Don't get me wrong, it won't die. Its a weed. Its still probably going to grow, but it'll look like a frankenstein plant.

Your best bet is to keep it inside, and throw a couple of 6500k cfls on it, and put the lights on a timer of 18/6.

If you want to keep the plant small, say no bigger than 2 feet, you probably will want to flower it when its around 7-9 inches tall. During flowering, it will grow 2-3 times its size. And switch your 6500k bulbs out for 2700k.