Light Dep Green Houses

I believe this is Gabe your talking about. He’s a good hard working dude! Lost everything in the wildfire in Ashland and Medford and is rebuilding! You’ll get quality products and work from him!
I believe this is Gabe your talking about. He’s a good hard working dude! Lost everything in the wildfire in Ashland and Medford and is rebuilding! You’ll get quality products and work from him!
Appreciate the feedback im getting one shipped to Ok and just wondering how good they were. went with the internal because of the weather and wind here.
Appreciate the feedback im getting one shipped to Ok and just wondering how good they were. went with the internal because of the weather and wind here.

I grew in an internal I built myself for several years. If I can find it I’ll send you a calendar that shows you how to get three high quality harvests per year.
it’s hard to beat light Dep!!
Appreciate the feedback im getting one shipped to Ok and just wondering how good they were. went with the internal because of the weather and wind here.
How did the system hold up in OK? I am in the Northeast where we also get lots of wind and am considering an indoor one. Or just using external and winterizing it each winter.