Light Green leaves


New Member
Hey guys,
I'm growing a auto northern light, she is 12 days old and recently the top leaves are getting a light Green color. I'm using a organic soil that i bought from the internet. I'm watering with well water, ph 7.0 and 80ppm. I have 2 LED 300W each. The plants were too close to them, maybe that's why her leaves got discoulored,so i turned off one of the leds and pulled away the other one a few inches, but still no results
She looks healthy, although she is growing a bit slow.
I don't know what to do, please help!



Well-Known Member
Drop you PH to 5.8 to 6.5 should help you out somewhat, 6.5 is a bit high for soil, but mine have been okay at the number.
I would say make sure she's not to Dry and it might need some Nitrogen.

She's a bit small right now to need a bunch of nutrients let her get a bit taller, U might want to keep your lights about 18 inches to 24. at least until they start to get a bit more stretch.

Keep up the good work :)

BTW Welcome to RIU