Light Height - Fixed vs Adjustable ----- HID and LED


Greetings and Salutations

There are several posts regarding the optimal distance from the plants that the lights should remain, however, I am after some different information.

Does anyone in here grow with their lights set a fixed height?

Do you keep the plants on the floor, and just let it grow towards the light? Or, do you have something to bump it up higher so it is much closer?

I am curious as to what some have tried, as I am thinking I may do it in my shed. That way I can have the lights cooled with outside air in a more durable and rigid fashion, and not having to worry about the flexible ducting getting ruined or in the way.

Technically it will work, as it is still providing light, just how well it works is the question.

********Inner thoughts to myself********As the plant grows, the quality of light it receives will increase, which if I remember correctly, being closer is great for flowering. Perhaps it is only something that can be done with HID, and the really good LED's, not what I have currently************


I keep the distance between my plants and the bulb about the same

max Lu for the power given without over heating

years past I use anything to hand right now I use dvd/bluray covers

to adjust the height daily

obvious to me that the plant light must be non fixed to account for the plants growth

I also have all my lights on a counterweight that makes it fun and no hassle to adjust the light

good luck
My light is adjustable and I move it some times depending on strain and the size of the clones I'm flowering. Usually the way I run my garden I don't move the light I move the clones so the tallest are around the edges and the smallest are right in the middle.
I use various things as stands and keep the air cooled 600’s fixed. Its a perpetual garden with staggared harvests and plants at all different stages. Want to keep all plants at their optimum distance at all times.

I bend them so they all stay 30” above the pots and 18” minimum from the glass.


Same with veg but under t-5’s in a tent.


Hope this helps :-)
Nice. I have heard a lot of awesome things regarding critical strains. Definitely going to be one on my list soon.
Critical mass is one of my favorite flavours. IT grows pretty fast and stacks some fat heavy buds..