light height question


Active Member
my hydro grow is reaching the end of the 2nd week today and my leaves are starting to look unhealthy and crispy. my light was at about 10 inches from the plants (400 w hps) do you think that caused it? my ph is staying at 7 ( i know its high but that wouldnt kill the plant entirely) i just moved up the light to about 13 or 14 inches above the plants.

i guess my question is how high would you leave a 400w hps light from the plants in the first couple weeks? and also i just added 4 tsp of flora gro flora bloom and flora micro today with a reservoir change. is this too much for week 3 of a grow?


Active Member
yeah u should definately move it to about 18-20 inches from the top of the seedling. i had the same problem. move it lower and lower as the plants get bigger. make sure to stop when the tops of ur plants are at about 75 degrees. put ur hand at the tops of the plants n if you can feel the heat on the back of ur hand thats when u went to far.


Active Member
alright cool i got it raised to about 16 or 17 now and it doesnt burn my hand at all at plant level. i am so scared i over nuted them, in fact i got this gut feeling i over nuted them. i was giving them 1 teaspoon of the 3 part flora series when they had just started their first leaves, then i added another tsp, so my grow looked like this 1 tsp of all 3 of flora series on day 4 of the grow and then 1 tsp at about day 10 and then today is day 14 and i just added 4 tsp of each , i was trying to go by the back of the bottle and just put 50% nutes in there but man i think that was a huge mistake. i got this feeling i added nutes about a week too early and i hope they recover man. im so worried!


Well-Known Member
I'm using GH flora gro, micro and bloom too. I only go by the instructions on the back of the bottles. Flowering now, so just 1 tsp gro, 2 tsp micro, and 3 tsp bloom per gallon of water, with an additional 8th of a tsp of subculture root aid per gallon. make sure you ph balance after adding and mixing nutes.


Well-Known Member
G.H. nutes keeps my pH at a pretty steady 5.8. Your pH at 7.0 is WAY too high - but hopefully that will lock-out the overdose of nutes.
Trust me - i've added way too high of nute doses to my current grow (before i learned better) - at one point my PPM was way over 2000! luckily weed is resilient!


Well-Known Member
Hey, email, so would you recommend adding more nutes than recommended on the back of the bottle? I heard that WW doesn't handle heavy nutes well during flowering, but I'm seeing no buds so far, and I'm over a month into flowering.