Light Leak- 25 minutes after lights went off in bloom


Active Member
Plants in bloom and lights went off at 6:30pm tonight. Stupid me, left the bathroom door open with the light on for 25 minutes till 6:55pm. However the door is covered by a thick tarp so hardly any light escaped. Anything to be worried about? Can seeds form?


First of all, I would not stress it. Some strains are slightly more susepitable (sp?) to changing light than others, but it would have been a continuious light, not an interruption, which would have been worse. I.E., it you turned a light on during the middle of the night cycle. But in addition, i have some more opinions that some of you might agrue with, but you should think about some of this... but first, dont think i think it's fine either to interrupt your cycle regurarly.

I have seen outdoor grows within feet of major roads. with headlights constantly on the plants. Next, haven't any of you ever lost power, or had a circuit trip? Didn't this ever happen to anyone else? How often does it really cause hermaphrodites? I can't ever remember this happening because of an isolated incident. What interrupting the light cycle does do is create stress. Stress reduces yields and too much stress will cause hermaphrodites.

So, no, as long as your interruption was an isolated incident, i dont think you have anything to worry about. Just try to watch any other stress for a bit.


nah unless you are the unluckiest sob I've seen it 1 time won't cause any problems. This last grow I did the same thing for about an hour and had a few other light interruptions with no problems.