Light leaking into flowering area

The Unknown

Active Member
I just put some plants into my flowering area and there is some light leaking into the room but it is very little will it affect them?

The Unknown

Active Member
Thank you for the reply. It looks about the same amount of light that they would get from the moon. If they don't start showing sex for some reason by the end of their 2nd week I will put up some black plastic to cover it up.


Well-Known Member
Just make sure it's not a whole lot of indirect light for a long period of time. Like "EMDrummer" said............ moonlight brightness should be ok. G'Luck":-)

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Well-Known Member
in my humble opinion dark should mean dark unless you want to risk less bud,longer budding time or sex change but thats just 1 opinion of many im sure.


Well-Known Member
na it should be fine. I had a bit of a light leak and it was all good. But then again I donno how much ures leaks...:joint:


Well-Known Member
just make sure the plant doesn't look like It's "happy" when it's suppose to be in the dark droopin


Well-Known Member
It wont hurt anything I use to grow cheaply and had light leaks and never had any problems but it does effect yield and transition time from veg and flower but not to bad. I would however spend some time trying to eliminate the light leaks. Good luck