Light problem. Are my girls stressed to the max?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys
So this is what happened. I got new clones about 1 week old. I put them under my 1000w lights. All of the sudend my ballast shuts off. Basically I was playing a game of lights on for couple hours then darkns for couple hours. It turns out my ballast were getting too hot. This pain in the ass lasted 2 days withl ast day my lights were off all night. Do you guys think I flipped into flowering? Or I super stressed out my girls? Right now I am back to 18/6 ligt cycle.


Active Member
it may take longer than expected, but dont panic yet. most of the times things just work themselves out. after all shit still lives doest it?


Well-Known Member
you dont need 1000 watts for clones!? unless you've got like 200 clones

whats your setup and area size?

and for the Q they should be ok just give them at least 18 hours of light a day


Well-Known Member
you dont need 1000 watts for clones!? unless you've got like 200 clones

whats your setup and area size?

and for the Q they should be ok just give them at least 18 hours of light a day

I am doing 8g bucket RDWC with 4000w. So you think if I get back on 18/6 cycle eve.rything should be normal