Light Stress Training?


Active Member
Hi People,

I was reading a little about "Light Stress Training"
Can somone explain it a little more in depth?
It sounds like this may be a good idea for me. I have 2 plants that have stretched a bit. THey are 16 inches high and have 6 sets of nodes. I am limited to about 2 1/2 feet -3 feet grow space and they are 3-4 weeks old in vegging state.
Should I stress the plant and if so how far should i Bend it? ALso, if I do this can I put the plant into 12/12 cycle.
I was thinking on letting it grow a bit more but if it is going to double in size I should bud now so I don;t run out of space.

I know - I will get pics up soon


Well-Known Member
Flower now, just let it grow a main cola, no need to try any advanced techniques if your new to growing. KISS Keep it Simple


Well-Known Member
i hate to tell you this but if u have a plant that has 6internodes than it should be no bigger than 5-6in tall,thats puttin at a max 1in between the nodes,if its 16in at 6 nodes than your lookin at more than 2.5in between node growth,and this is acheived by having the lights too far away thus leading to major strechage,so lower the lights closer and try some lst to get the plant back down to size and managable.


Well-Known Member
Low stress training will work well for you here, but yeah it sounds like youve hade some excess stretching.
Either wool/string works or use wire U's to kinda peg it down, but 'm uessing string will work easier as your plant is quite tall already.
Tie some wool or similar around the stem midway and at the top and GENTLY pull the middle section over to the side of the pot, tape wool in position, now gently bend the top of the plant over...
Gently does it or you could snap the main stem.
move the tape every day or so, and you'll soon lose a few inches height.

I've trailed mine around the pot top and then out of the centre kinda like a corkscrew, works great.

And yup, as wacky said, get the lights closer or you're gonna end up wih even more stretch.


Active Member
YEs. I know it did get stetched out that was due to my firend having it outside. When I got the plant i put the lights about 4-6 inches away. The nodes have since grown closer together. The first set is 2 incehs away than the second set iis 1.5, next 1 and so forth.
Little brances are just starting to emerge (small leaves are already there) and I have bent it a bit to try and promote side growth.

Thanks Guys. Still trying to get a camera so I can post pics. Although stetched the plant is quite healthy looking.


Well-Known Member
I've trailed mine around the pot top and then out of the centre kinda like a corkscrew, works great.


Do you have a pic of that? :clap:

I was going to do something similar, but then decided to just let her stand tall. :weed:
Sorry that was on a few of my old grows, so no pix. :(
Works great though, sometimes its just fun to trail them into spirals n such.. :) gets some big side nugs too.