Light system? FrescaSol/Cool Tubes

So i just got into my new place. Time to set up my grow op.

I have a little bit of money to invest so i need some advice.

The problem with my new living situation is my grow room is longer than taller... haha... about 7 feet long x 4 feet tall x 4 deep (Give or take a little).

Side 1:
I think on one end i'm going to close it off and create a space for my mother plant.
I think im going to use CFL on that side. 1 - 150 watt cfl (43 watts) per 10-12 inches of plant height on a mother... Does this sound right? Is it most efficient?

Side 2:
I plan on using a homemade bubble-ponics system to accommodate what ever Indica strain I end up with.

What i need help with is choosing my grow light.
Things to consider are small amount of growth room.So i NEED little to no HEAT. So i can grow plants max height without burning them Since i won't be able to ventilate extremely well.

Things that have been running through my mind are :

1. The Sunlight Supply Fresca Sol
only concerns are keeping the water reservoir cool? Since its a small area i would only use a 400w or 600w light. Recommendations are 55 gal reservoir per 1000w light.
2. Cool Tubes?
don't know much about these? but i think it would be possible since i do have one small outlet for outside air.

IS there another efficient lighting system i could use?
ANy help would be great just not sure where to go......
If you want to put some serious light in there than the fresca sol will work great. I did it with a 40 height and a 1k hps. Cool tubes are great if you can deal with all of the fan noise. The ice box might be worth looking into as well. If you live in a colder part of the world, you may not need a chiller but I would count on needing one. I build mine for 100 bucks out of a window AC unit.