Light timer broken; now I have a hermie invasion.

Hey guys,

My light timer was broken for like 2 days and I didnt notice it till the 3rd day

Now I have 3 confirmed hermies out of 8 plants. What should I do? A friend of mine told me to cut down the hermie branches but there is too much nice bud on it to cut it off IMO.

I have been picking all male flower off for the past few days; is that an affective method or will they just grow back? Also I heard that hermies can form pollen sack IN THE BUDS which looks like bananas sticking out.

Any one have good advice what to do in this shitty situation?

Here are some picks of the grow in general. They are like one and a half weeks old so the buds are MUCH bigger now. I WILL TRY TO GET SOME PICS TOMORROW NIGHT OF THE HERMIE SITUATION / HOW FAR THE PLANTS ARE.

On a side note I have question about the topic of pollination in general.

In the potfields in Morocco they also have some males in the field and they have the best hash in the world.

What exactly is the consiquence of having a pollinated female? Less potency and less yield seems to be the consencus, but how dramatic is it?

I grow under 400W HPS so "normally" I should get like 300-400g. With pollinated females would you get something redicolous like 100g in a square meter or is it just slightly less like 200?


Active Member
sorry to hear dude. how many weeks into flower? can you upload some pics?
Few options to do. If its like week 7-8 just flower them out.(i would also turn some of the fans off)
Ifs its less than 45 days or so I would either separate them and flower them out. or just kill them.
I had a blueberry that went hermie for the same reason. Need to separate otherwise you're gonna end up with shit loads of seeds in all the others too. Don't kill it though, it's smokable.
the thing is I have a grow tent only so I have no way of seperating them. Also I am 4-5 weeks into flowering with about another 3-4 for the NYC Diesel and like 4-5 for the SD to go.