light to use during dark period.

mango tango

Well-Known Member
when i have lights out and in the event i want to check on my plants for what ever reason, is the most sensible thing to use a green light since its the color they reflect? or is there another colored light like a red light which others use?

and would i have to go out looking for a special bulb or do regular party bulbs work that just have the colored films over them? :confused:


Well-Known Member
only green in dark periond, and not for too long....Best is to leave em just to sleep and do your work before the lights go out


Well-Known Member
There are bits in the plant that actually use green light but they are not a major factor, green is still the safest way to go. But put if off until the light period if you can.

mango tango

Well-Known Member
cool. yeah i dont plan on interrupting them but i was just curious. on weeds they used red lights at their grow house...not that im going off what i see on tv, but it did raise suspicion.