Lightbulb burnt weed plant!!


New Member
i left my plant alone last night and when i came back about an hour later the bulb was on the plant and made one side of the second set of leaves shrivel. half is green0421001424.jpg the 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th leaves are completely shriveled and also the new set of third leaves are mostly shriveled but s0421001424a.jpgseem to be still growing out the middle. Need advice whether to llet it grow and hope it heals itself or is it no good? 0421001425.jpg


Active Member
It`ll heal itself.Probably never be noticed when mature.WHAT kind of lights are you using.A regular light bulb won`t work...........


New Member
alright well honestly i know this is dumb lol but uhh its an outdoor growing plant its just at night and the past week temps been gettin below 55 and i bring it in my garage at night basically and it didnt get much light due to thunderstorms so i put a light on it and held it with ducktape which isnt as reliable as i thought. ive done this off and on because of temps as i said for the past week and a half or so but im not sure its only a 75 watt bulb ill take apic of it now and post. i know its a regular bulb but it seemed to be workin fine besides how it made the newer leaves start kind of curling in but it wasnt burning or nothin went back to normal the next day.

ALSO i have a heater in my garage. which i dont need it now butusually is set to 70-72 degrees F


That plant looks young enough to recover. I would snip off any burnt leaves that died or will die in the next few days to promote new growth.


New Member
its approximately 22 days old. i think it sprouted on march 31st or april 1st. Not sure what kind either. I throw seeds outside everytime i buy a bag it was just growin. i also have 3 more sprouted one is already in the ground took on cold as fuck weather and massive rain storms and is still survivin perfectly fine. its only about 2 inches tall though.


New Member
if i were goin to cut the dead ones or appear to be dead ones i mine as well cut the whole leaf off. The only living part is the half inch to an inch of the main leaf. The 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th leaves are shriveled up a good bit but partial parts of green


Correct me if im wrong but from my experience those lights can get pretty hot. Make sure its far enough from the top of the plant. U should be able to hold your hand above the plant for a minute or two without it getting hot. Although its not really the type of light you should be using (floresent "tube" lights would suit your needs better), it won't really matter since this is just temporary.

As far as cutting...if most of the fan leaf is dead, then cut the whole fan leaf off. It will help promote new growth at the top of the plant.


Well-Known Member
You must not use those lights since they can easily burn plants. This forces you to place the bulb far away from the plants, and as a result they will not get the lumens they need. Please do one thing for me, REPLACE IT WITH A CFL at the least..



New Member
i dont have cfls im growing with parents at house as well lol. i mean my dad knows he saw it and doesnt really care but my mom would probably rip the thing out or flip out so buying lights is out of the question. as soon as temps stay above 55 day/night i can leave it out all the time unless heavy wind/rain and yes the bulb gets hot as hell, i kept it 2 inches to 2 1/2 inches away my hand got hot when i tested it but it was doing perfectly fine with the plant its just i had it taped to something else to hold it up seeing as it is very awkward with the cage thing around it. but the tape slowly started givin out and it was hangin on the plant putting slight pressure on the leaves which caused what happened last night.


New Member
i came back out in the garage and i fuckin tore the light out the wall. and put it out about 11 when i woke up and since, the dead(ish
) leaf on it is turnin brittlish and kind turnin more green but no spectacular changes. the growth where the 3rd set of leaves comes out in the middle is kinda burnt and i havent seen much growth there. it will be out till 7 p.m and ill bring it in the garage since the temperatures are gettin around 45 tonight


Active Member
look man I gotta be honest, if you are using that light it really isnt even doing anything. It doesnt have the spectrum the plant needs....if you cant get a $4 from walmart to help your plants because your mom would "freak" then you really shouldnt be growing. sorry man, nut you need that light


New Member
yes it is it already has. its grown a lot under that light when the weather was bad. but i am gonna post a pic of this light i found idk what kind it is it doesnt say but i hope its what the hell i need lol. i am mainly gonna be growing outdoors just the next week or week and a half the temps at night get cold and during the day theres chances of thunderstorms and have been thunderstorms which in fact i have to bring it inside


New Member
ok as to my surprise i look and find a pack of 6 cfl lights. and a pack with one in it but its bigger. the set of 6 are 60 watt replacement using 13 watts and gives off 800 lumens and the single cfl light is a replacement for 100 watt light and it gives out 23 watts. 1600 lumens. im only growing one plant as of now there is a seedling sprouted as you can see next to it but i need to transplant to bigger pot soon.


New Member
alright so i chose the 1600 lumens bulb. I will have a pic up shortly of another issue i have just noticed. Seems as if they half dead half alive leaves are pullin the weight on one side and bending the stem.


New Member
its been in the sun all day since 11 i just brought it in temps are gettin kind of chilly. but anywho i am only using indoor lighting temporarily and mainly at night, time lost during day time.