lighting at the last day or two


is it ok to leave your lights on for 24 hrs before harvesting or even 48 hrs before will it screw them up or just a waste of hydro or does it help at the very end.growing master kush and deep purle


Well-Known Member
why would you want to do this? I wouldn't dream of doing it. Some people have a "theory" that if you leave them in complete darkness for the last 48-72 hours it helps. Never heard anyone wanting to leave the lights on.


New Member
how many weeks are you in flower darkness is the key as u get to last week Flush week 7 ideal lights on would be 11hrs on 13 off


Active Member
Personally, I've never left the lights on during the last 24-48 hours. I've always harvested right after the 12 hour dark period based on advice I've received from other growers. They've mentioned several reasons for this, most notably discussions involving trichomes being at peak level/quantity after dark phases. I've tried one harvest after 36 hours of darkness, can't say I noticed any difference. To be honest I've never looked into the plant biology behind this myself, merely accepting most veterans advice on the subject. I don't imagine that you would experience significant pitfalls after 24 hours of light before harvest, but it certainly doesn't appear to be the ideal method. Please let us know if you decide to try this, love to hear if theres any noticeable differences in final harvest.


New Member
i personally think that with lights on 24 hrs before harvest is you would lose THC being it would sweat out

as your in flower lights on u lose thc then when light goes off the thc lost is replenished an the plant will produce more THC lights off to make up for the lost and so forth as u move forward in flowering stage


thanks everyone im goin to put two under 24 hrs light and put two in darkness for 24 and see if there is a differance