Lighting During Harvest/Trimming


Active Member

My question is about harvesting and lighting. Upon harvesting the plant which will be done before the lights turn on to maximize THC levels, how can I trim and manicure the buds while keeping the absolute most of my THC?

As it is scientifically proven that THC degrades in light, how can i trim in the dark to maintain something close to my original levels of THC?

Is this even necessary or will the THC levels only be effected by intense light, such as being right up to a light source. Would a CFL in the opposite corner of a room effect the THC levels in my bud? As that would provide ample light to trim with.

If my questions are too confusing, reply and I will try to explain more thoroughly.

Thanks in advance,


Well-Known Member
You have to trimm it in the light. Ya want to keep it dark when drying, even then its not that big of a deal.