lighting help *please*

Hey this is my first time posting after reading these forums for sometime now, one thing i havent been able to decide for myself on my first grow is wether a MH grow lamp or a HPS grow lamp would be a better investment. Im aware that MH lights emit blue spectrum light which is better for vegitative growth and HPS lights are better for flowering. The question then becomes, Which light would be better over the grow as a whole? would the MH light be better because it will help the vegatative growth and still be somewhat effective during flowering, or would the HPS light be better for the grow. Any help is appreciated.
Get a "switchable" you can use the MH for vegging ....then flip the switch.....and put in your HPS bulb....and your good for flowering......the best of both worlds...
I was looking around last night and a lot of the places have HPS with a MH conversion, so you use the same unit with both bulbs....
I was looking at the htg supply site...
If you have to make the choice get the hps. It witt give you good veg growth and be best for flowering.