Lighting question about fluorescents


Active Member
I’m growing in a Phototron unit that has 6 55 watt compact fluorescents. I had never paid much attention to the bulbs until finding this forum and getting an education about light spectrums and the plants’ needs during vegetative and flowering stages.

According to what I read I need 5000-6500K bulbs for vegetative, and 2500-3000K bulbs for flowering. When I checked the bulbs I had I discovered they were all 4000K bulbs. Middle of the road and not good for growing as I understand it.

I decided to get new bulbs and purchased some 3000K bulbs and some 6500K bulbs. I had plants in vegetative state in the unit that were about 4 weeks old. I decided to replace 3 of the existing 4000K bulbs with 6500K bulbs. Big mistake. Within 24 hours the plants, which had been thriving, started to collapse. The leaves shriveled and dropped. They looked like they were wilting from lack of water, but that was not the case. Since the only thing that had changed were those bulbs, I switched back to the original 4000K bulbs. The plants completely recovered, and are now starting week 3 of flowering, and are totally incredible.

So valuable lesson learned. Don’t mess with success. If you want to experiment, be careful how you do it. I will finish this batch without any more changes. The reason for this post is to discuss the future. :lol:

I need some opinions please on a couple issues. First, are 6500K bulbs too strong for vegetative? Should I have gone to 5000K instead? Should I start the next batch using all 6500K bulbs? Based on this experience I would be afraid to use all 6500K bulbs and then switch to 3000K. Should I start the next batch with three 3000K bulbs and three 6500K bulbs? That way the lighting would never change but they would be getting the correct light spectrum regardless of plant stage?

Thanks. I've learned a ton here reading everyone's contributions.


Well-Known Member
well the spectrum was right for veg (6500K) so my guess is that you introduced more heat? you did not tell us what the wattage of the new bulbs was

And I agree never mess with what is workin :bigjoint:


Active Member
well the spectrum was right for veg (6500K) so my guess is that you introduced more heat? you did not tell us what the wattage of the new bulbs was

And I agree never mess with what is workin :bigjoint:
The new bulbs are also 55 watt bulbs.


Well-Known Member
I use T-8 32 watt 48" fluorescents fixtures for my veg side with 4 48" bulbs in each fixture. I have used the 4100k light color index of 85 for the past 5 years and have nothing but success with the vegging that way. I do not flower with the floros, but move over to my flower room with 1000 watt Hortilux Super HPS lights.

My point is, that spectrum of light 4100-5000k is totally ok for veg growth, I have grown bushes that way. 6500k is supposed to be 'daylight' spectrum, with 4100k being a bit cooler. 5000 is right smack in the middle and also works well.

Here is a pic of one of my veg racks with the 4100k floros. The light coming off of them is SOOO bright it washes out the camera! Next is a closeup of some mother plants sitting in 5 gallon buckets on the floor between the light racks, and they only get reflected light! As you can see the light range works well. And as my avatar also shows, I had no problems getting my grow on. Good luck on your grow! :)



Active Member
I use T-8 32 watt 48" fluorescents fixtures for my veg side with 4 48" bulbs in each fixture. I have used the 4100k light color index of 85 for the past 5 years and have nothing but success with the vegging that way. I do not flower with the floros, but move over to my flower room with 1000 watt Hortilux Super HPS lights.

My point is, that spectrum of light 4100-5000k is totally ok for veg growth, I have grown bushes that way. 6500k is supposed to be 'daylight' spectrum, with 4100k being a bit cooler. 5000 is right smack in the middle and also works well.

Here is a pic of one of my veg racks with the 4100k floros. The light coming off of them is SOOO bright it washes out the camera! Next is a closeup of some mother plants sitting in 5 gallon buckets on the floor between the light racks, and they only get reflected light! As you can see the light range works well. And as my avatar also shows, I had no problems getting my grow on. Good luck on your grow! :)
Thanks McGuyver! Great feedback!