lighting question


Well-Known Member
Home Depot, for one. You can get something like a bathroom vanity fixture, or you can get a series of clip on lamps. Take a look at what they have to offer and use your imagination. Lots of ways to do this.


Active Member
i went to lowes but i really dont want to wire anything so i'm probably going to get some clip on lamps for the four cfls . Is it worth it to use cfls while flowering? i'm growing with a walmart grow light right now i'll post pics of my babies soon.


Well-Known Member
I've seen some very successful "all-CFL" grows here(though most people seem to prefer HID lights). Just remember that you need about 50W of light(actual watts, not equivalent!) per square foot of your grow space. Try and get the highest wattage CFL's you can afford. A 100W bulb goes for around $20-30. Beats having to run 4-5 lesser wattage bulbs for the same output.


Active Member
where can i get a 100 watt cfl? My space is very small but i know my plants are starving for light. The first plant has been through ALOT. I planted this unknown see a couple months ago outside at work, forgot all about it. I found it one day so i transplanted it and took it home. When it was outside it went through two frosts and now it's been through 3 transplants and is now on 12/12. Its definately a runt.

and the next three aren't very old at all and they have been on 12/12 for almost a week now. I got these seeds from some KILLER homegrown i bought. How do my plants look? any advice is welcome this is my first grow so be easy.



Well-Known Member
Dude, they need to be on 18/6. 12/12 is for flowering.

I honestly don't know where you can find the bulbs aside from online. You might want to refer to your local phone listings for a brick & mortar store. A cursory googling turned up this online store:

You might want to look around and find a cheaper price. I think I might have seen them as low as $20, not sure where, though.


Well-Known Member
a few thoughts for you -

the soil in your last two pics looks like it could use a modifier like perlite to improve drainage. also, you should only have one plant per pot - they grow way too big. you can fix both problems by transplanting into soil that is at least 25% perlite.

as for lights, multiple 42 watt cfl's are just as good and let you spread the lights around the plant.

as for your lighting schedule, most people start with 24/0 or 18/6 until the plant is ready to flower - usually a month or so. by starting out with 12/12 you will harvest sooner but the plant will be much smaller.


Active Member
go to walmart and just buy 10 cfl's you can buy boxes of half a dozen and a dozen here and just strap them bitches up


Active Member
i know 12/12 is for flowering i read you could do that from a seed so i'm trying it. Where can i get the right soil?


Active Member
I would put them in their own pots, how are you going to transplant later? I would start them off in 9oz plastic cups let them root a little and move to bigger pots just my 2 cents. As for the lights I have two cords that attatch 6 bulbs each with a socket and y adapter very simple but yet effective :bigjoint: good luck