lighting question


Active Member
New plants just poked their little heads up yesterday! Yea, so excited! So far there are two auto-flower and two photo-flower.

When growing outdoors, is it necessary for the plants to have direct sunlight, or is daylight enough. I only have a few spots that receive significant sunshine all day, most notably right in the middle of the driveway. Not the best place to put my plants. There are many spots however that get some sunshine, but due to trees, are somewhat shaded also.

Need to get this figured out, as the girls will be wanting to play outside soon

Many thanks and happy growing this season!



Active Member
Daylight is enough.. But since they're auto-flower.. I suggest indoor growing and 18 hours On 6 Off..
But it seems you got no choice, so put them in a nice spot and keep a regular watering.
Bad thing about autoflowering strains, they could switch stages in first couple of weeks.. You end up with small harvest eventually