Lighting Specifications - Room Dimensions

Hello! Was wondering if i could get some feedback please on what the general concensus is about my lighting needs for my new room. Room Dimensions - 3.8m Long, 3.0 m Wide & 1.85m Tall. My intentions are to have a dutch pot system, with rockwool medium. I was aiming at about 20 plants, 2 strains with 10 plants per strain. SOG style room, Only aiming to get them about 1m tall before flowering... I am using Sensi Seeds Black Domina and Super Skunk. I have 2 x 400 Watt Interchangable HIDs. I personally think i need another 2 x 600 watt lights, to make it 2000watts total, spread out over the whole room. Also im getting a terarium light for active UV light. Do you think this is enough light for the room?
Question - Ive been looking into going for 1000 watt lights instead of filling my gaps with 600watts, the idea of having so many lights spread out dosnt seem practical after a short period of time when i start to upgrade the room. If i get a 1000watt, and put it on a rail system, that has a range of 2M for a single light, can i just use 2 x 2000watt lights , each one on a rail. In combination with my 2 x 400 watt if need be. Do you think that will be enough light for the size of the room?


Active Member
Why don't you just get movers! You could cover a much bigger area with less lights, and save money on electric bill!
Rail System = Movers.....

I am changing my start up specs, after realizing i needed that much extra light im dropping my figure down to 10 plants. 3 Rows of 3 with 1 spare chucked in somewhere. So what do you think? 1 x 1000watt on a Rail system with a horizontal range of 2M with 2 x 400watts on the edges as well. That enough for 10 plants you think?


Well-Known Member
Light movers will not grow you more, I used movers for 2 years and I still got the same yield on an 8x4 as I did on my 4x4.
600w hps put out more PAR for it's size than a 1000. You would be better to us 2 600 than 1 1000. You have less heat and can put the light closer to the plants. The down side is you lose some penetration so can't grow more than 1m high vs 1.5
OK cool i didnt know about the penetration factor... When u say " I used movers for 2 years and I still got the same yield on an 8x4 as I did on my 4x4 " what do u mean by those specs? Are you talking about the size of the room or the amount of lights u had? As in 2 rooms using the same amount of lights, 8m x 4 m (using a mover) yeilds the same as a room that is 4m x 4m (without) when using the same lights??? I think thats what you mean.... Ok i get cha. Algebra style. X amount of watts can only produce X amount of yeilds....... Whats your reccomendation of watts to attain maximum yeilds out of 10 plants? (With one 2m or 3m long rail in use)
Oh i think you could do the maths with room space and plants using your previous formula...... 600watts PerSquareMetre...... Now i guess the question is, How much room do you suppose 10 Indica based strains reaching a bit over 1M in height maximum will take up in full size before harvest allowing for adequate room for each plant whilst still allowing me to be a scrooge on the amount of lights needed...... Measured in Metres Squared of course ( Im guessing about 4 square metres, maybe a little more?? Which would mean i would need atleast 2400watts in total..... That pretty close you think?? ) :)

(Ps sorry if this seems obvious to yahs ive never wanted to do so many or to compact my grow into a room so small before)