Lighting ?

Hey fellow tokers!

I've been working on my first grow for a few months now and the female that I'm left with is about 2 weeks into the flower schedule. She is about 1 ft. tall and is developing several bud sites. My question regarding lighting is wither I have enough bulbs on her to produce a decent amount of buds?

I currently have 5 CFL bulbs on the lady. I got a big 42 watter (2700K, 2600 lumens) over the top of the plant. I got 2 26 watt (2700 K 1700 lumens) and 2 18 watt (2700K 1200 lumens) on the sides.
I got y-splitters for the clamp lights I have, so theres 1 26Watt + 1 18Watt on each side of the plant.

Any feedback is awesome! Thanks


i put cfl all around the plant like 26w 2700k like 4 of them and then i hang a fluor above with 2 30 wat 4100k 2200l tubes


Well-Known Member
could work out, don't overlook the value of reflector
i got 35g under 78w of cfl with lots of reflector