
When it comes to lighting you are making a big decision. Now I want to know about two different ones and I want opinions from people with experience with both or one or the other either way. Now my question is HID or LED. I understand LED is a newer tech and the advantages of it is not changing it up to much. Now I want to know more about HID lighting and do i need to change lighting color as i enter different stages. Any helpful information you have for me I will gladly take it!


Active Member
I believe HPS emit more light then MH even though you could use MH during flowering and probably retain the same quality buds, HPS would probably produce bigger buds, plus MH don't emit as much red and orange light as HPS do for flowering. btw my knowledge is limited to yours as I have not completed first grow yet. I believe they have CMH bulbs which make up for some of the missing spectrums emitted but I'm not 100% sure, would want to check around the search function I guess. They have tons of threads about this in riu that show up from google search.

as for HID vs LED, well thats a can of worms. You can compare grows of similar watt lights of the types however HID lighting tends to give off more lumens/heat and use more electricity doing so, if you were to match kwh usage instead of watts of lighting, you might see a more realistic advantage to using LED, but again I'm inexperienced and have just been moseying around threads before purchasing a cheap 135w ufo for first grow experimentation, I will be grabbing a 400w hps soon just to compare the types in a journal after seeing how the yield goes on this cheap chinese made ufo.

You can google "HPS vs LED" or anything of the sort e.g. "HPS vs MH" "MH for flowering?", and I'm sure of the top links to show, a rollitup thread will be there already having this debate some time ago =P
Im also a first timer. I am using a cheap LED panel and it hasnt been doing bad till I effed up my grow. I posted a thread about it. Its rather disappointing. But LED is great with conserving power and has advantages in not spending the kind of money you would on an HID light with a ballast and built in fan. Thats where a lot of money goes and that is why I went with LED. Big buds...I may not get as big if I used HID but if played right I believe if I use the right nutrients and take great care I can achieve big buds as I would with HID. But we will see.