

Well-Known Member
4X4X4? With good venting, it should be fine. Get a higher CFM fan to exhaust the air, like at about 150-200CFM, and a fet small intake holes at the bottom of the room. As long as the ambiant air outside the box is like 65-75, you will be fine...
Make sure you exhaust up tho... Cheers!

Brick Top

New Member
Saying a four-foot enclosure does not really tell enough. Is that 4ft.’X 4ft’ X 4ft. or what? ?

Regardless you will need ventilation and that will depend on your light and cubic feet of space of your enclosure. You have to remove heat to maintain a temperature that is suitable and hopefully optimal for plant growth and also remove the cO2 depleted air and replace it with fresh air with cO2 for your plants.