Lights help pleaase!!


I need help with my grow box i have done alot of research and my box is 2.5ft high x 1ft x 1ft and its lined with mylar and has an 120mm intake fan and an 80mm exhaust fan.
i have 4x 50w halogen lights, can i use any of these to grow or will they not work?

Illegal Smile

I think halogen is just another form of incandescent and will not work for growing. At least I've never heard of it being used. A space that small won't require much light, try cfls.


Well-Known Member
yeah halogen lights are no good. Thats what they put in car headlights. I was at rona today and saw 50watt metal halide bulbs. i was very tempted to buy one but i didnt have enough cash. They were $50 canadian. instead i bought two 40w CFls for 28.98 after taxes. much better. Cfls work great too. the emu knows what hes talkin aboot!


Active Member
your gonna wanna go with CFLs make sure you get ones that say 6500k and 2700k on the box

your also gonna wanna get more fans. i wouldnt use that 120 as a intake fan. you should use both as exhause and have a passive intake.

more air flow is key my man. when you think you have enough add some more. just like the lights. more is better!