

Well-Known Member
Make a stand so that the lights are all the way around the plant,You may need to add more when the plant gets taller but i would have at least 2 flouresents at the top get day light and one or two daylight warm spec.Watch grow more buds he show's you haow to do it with cfl's you want the 150 watt ones.


New Member
I belive your talking about seemorebuds? Garden Gnome is who i think you mean, youtube him and you'll find vids.

the cfls you have now will get you going for a good few weeks but you wanna get alot more wattage really, even if it is only one plant. I'd get a mixture of cool and warm CFLs. You need at least, at the very least, 100 watts per sq ft. So double that and your gunna be a ok.