Like to say hi, and it's been a long time since I last grew indoors.

It has been 25 years since I last grew hydroponically, a lot has changed; back then there was only H.I.D.’s, soil, Rockwool or coco fiber (which just started to be used as a medium). I’m back at it again and decided to go with CFL’s a bit over a year ago because I do not like the heat signature H.I.D.'s give off, not to mention the wattage use and high pitch whine of my electric meter spinning 1000 mph. So many new things out there that any and all advice is welcome.

1Warped Madness05.jpg


im a total newb but HID growers say higher lumes per watt (kinda not sure i didnt get the calculter out but the math looked right)
and by lookin at pictures of GOOD cfl grows they use about the same watts as a hid grower (so your getting less lumes per watt with cfl)
about the heat off HIDs im thinking we need fans anyway why not have the extract fan on more often to take that hot air out which brings in fresh cool air&co2
good luck with the grow
any pics of your hydroponic system.


Well-Known Member
Dragon, have you looked into T5's? I use a 4 bulb set up with a mixed spectrum and do OK. Don't expect HID results with any tubes but, you can do OK.


Active Member
Welcome to the forum and good luck with getting started back up. If you are looking into a different media than the ones you listed, check out ProMix. It is a soiless medium that will tolerate a wide range of pH fluctuations and holds more water per volume than water. I am growing in 8 inch square pots and the growth is fantastic. Hope all goes well.
Once I get the new set up done I'll take some pic's. I used soil last year got great results, but with having young kids (twin’s boy and girl 12 years old) I never took pic’s. Right now I am experimenting with Hydroton and a hybrid drip / bubble system I made. As far as lighting I use 8 / 200 watt (using 42 watts each) 6500K CFL's for growing stage then switch out 6 of the 6500K lights to 200 watt 2700K for a more balanced lighting(still using 8 lights)when going into flowering. As far as lumens goes I calculate I have close to 18,000 for the small space I am growing in.

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