Lil' Help. Pics of ripe Haze please.


New Member
Hello, I basically posting this for a friend who's not interested in signing up to a site like least not from any internet connection withing 100 miles of his house, lol. I kinda understand, so I'm not going to rag on him (too much). So anyway, I'll see if I can get some help here, and I'll pass it on...........................................(sorry, line breaks don't register on this forum from my browser).......................... My buddy has 2 girls close to harvest. They're 8 weeks in 12/12 a couple days ago. He was going to harvest because it's been 8 weeks, but I told him not to because most of the hairs were still white. Well they're quickly turning orange now, about half are. Now, I fully understand that the way to tell ripeness is by's just not an option for poor boys like us to get a jeweler's loupe in the next week. The best magnification we can get is like not even 10x through a snow globe, lol......we're trying, lol....... Anyway, I was wondering if any of you guys here could post some pics of ripe Amnesia Haze and Lemon Haze (those are the two strands he said it could be), so I can help his get it as close to ripe as possible without waiting too long. Or do you guys think he should just cut them down ASAP since we have no way of checking the trichs?.........................................................................Thnaks for any help, I'll pass it on. And sorry about not being able to make paragraphs on this browser.


New Member
It seems I can't edit from this browser either. Oh, well. Anyway, I found some pics in another thread that are pretty comparable. Looks like there's as much as 2 or 3 weeks to go I think or at least until 100% of the hairs are orange. He's not gonna like it, he may not believe me and chop anyway since he can't see the pics, but we'll see.

Guido Sarduchi

Well-Known Member
85% orange over the entire plant... check it daily it happens quick. tops will be done completely and about very bottoms wont be done at all.... that or partial crop . that what i did... take tops and middle buds and leave bottoms until done ... tough to do unless you have the time because trimming gets split up by a day or even a few. I just went through this process with a bunch of my buddies though . some have a loupe and some dont. Best grower in our group doesnt even use one. 85% red hair (his way to tell).... 5% auburn trichomes(my other buddies way). trichomes are top heavy and just starting to fall over with 95% milky heads (most common within our group 3
of us use this). ... all 3 of these happen within about 2 days of each other... typically (theres never an always in growing)


New Member
Thanks for the tip. If I tell him to go with mostly red hairs and just some white on the bottoms, it should just be a couple/few days, a week tops. And with what little magnification we're getting from the USS Enterprise snow globe we can kinda see the largest trichs sticking up above the others enough to see the swollen tops of those trichs, and they do kinda bend over like you describe. It's just not strong enough to actually see opacity. Again, thanks for the tips. They should be chopped soon then and hopefully we get some decent potency/proper high without a loupe. Can't wait to find out though.


Well-Known Member
Go 10 weeks to be sure but with no pics no way of knowing..dont want to miss that last plump