Lil lowryder

end of the line

Well-Known Member
hey everyone, hears my little grow I got going on(nothing special). I now have them in a new set up with (4) 26 watt D, and (2) 23 watt SW.
they are in 16 oz party cups and MG organic soil(yeah, thats right, I'm rockin the MG).
18/6 light cycle,
temps steady at 80-81F(day) and 75F(night)
4 inch exhaust fan
passive intake
My LR seeds came from the tude.

pic 1 is a 2 week old LR
pic 2 is a 4 week old MALE LR


end of the line

Well-Known Member
Little update: on day 16 now and lookin very good, I should see the sex of the plant soon.
I pray everyday for a female. I also harvested pollen from the male LR,
so if I get a girl I will be able to make my own LR seeds:-P
I also blasted all my plants with some MG all pupose plant food(roughly 1/2 strength) and they seem to love it:leaf::leaf:

hears some pics:


end of the line

Well-Known Member
hear are my bagseed plants.
I'm keeping them on a seperate post so it less confusing.
I forgot to say, the bagseeds are strickly for exp.
I didn't want to use all my LR seeds just incase the MG didn't work,
but it seems to be OK(knock on wood)

pic 3 is all of them together,
lower right is the LOWRYDER


end of the line

Well-Known Member
Looking good man-i hope u get some good femms.
can we see some setup pix too??!!

thanks----hear some pics of the very, very simple and basic set-up.
It's just a trash can thats upside down siting on 2 speaker boxes, the reason I have it elevated is for air flow.
the cross bar is becouse I didn't want to take a chance of the lights touching the side of the can.
trash can is 12"X10"X28"


grow space

Well-Known Member
thanks----hear some pics of the very, very simple and basic set-up.
It's just a trash can thats upside down siting on 2 speaker boxes, the reason I have it elevated is for air flow.
the cross bar is becouse I didn't want to take a chance of the lights touching the side of the can
Hahaha-awsome dude-a trash can grow.Really sweet:bigjoint:Simple, yet effective way I must say.

Keep it up....


end of the line

Well-Known Member
alright, day 18 now and I must say lookin better than I thought at this point.
Growth is good but it seems it's getting wider & not taller(only 2 inches tall and on it's fourth node).
Side branching is popping out and still can't wait for it to start flowering.

overall, not 100% healthy but considering I'm just using miracle grow I'm happy so far!!!!:mrgreen:

DAY 18 001.jpg DAY 18 002.jpg DAY 18 003.jpg DAY 18 011.jpg DAY 18 010.jpg


end of the line

Well-Known Member
ok, now for the bagseeds-----
like I've said before, the bagseeds are for exp for when things go wrong, but they been healthy so far.
so I gave them a problem on purpose.
yesterday I gave(pic 1&2)a full dose of plant food and another (pic 3) a double dose.
As you can see the new growth turned yellow!!!!! did a flush last night and they will be fine.:mrgreen:


end of the line

Well-Known Member
DAY 19- so I checked my plant today and couldn't see any sex with the naked eye, but a small magnifier I could see small white hairs coming from the top of the plant. I don't want to "jump the gun" but I think I got me a girl. I should know with in the next couple of days for sure! I then noticed that there were roots coming out the bottom of the cup through the holes I drilled for drainage. My first thought was, oh shit, becouse I was planning on going the whole way through the grow in that cup. So I got a 1 gallon hawaiian punch bottle and did a transplant and I'm glad I did becouse my 16 oz cup was nothing but roots. It blows my mind (she) is doing this good in the MG soil & MG plant food, I've gone through so many threads with people just bashing MG. IDK

Now as for my bagseeds they too were all rootbound, sadly there is no room for them:cry: so I was going to kill them but I just couldn't "pull the trigger"so they also got a transplant and are outside for now. what ever happens it's ok becouse they were for practice!!!

Hears some pics of the LR after the transplant, sorry I couldn't get any pics that shows the little white hairs.


end of the line

Well-Known Member
DAY 21- Growth has slowed or almost stopped sence the transplant,
I guess I underestimated the shock it would cause.
I def got a female with a couple more pistals coming from the top.

Feel free to comment,
unless your asking "any uk growers"
you can start your own thread for that...

anyway on with the pics


scooby snacks

Well-Known Member
good to see you got a journal going, I seen on previous thread you might do a journal.
concrats on a female. although I'm not to sure about the MG soil & nutes, but it looks damn good so far

good luck

end of the line

Well-Known Member
good to see you got a journal going, I seen on previous thread you might do a journal.
concrats on a female. although I'm not to sure about the MG soil & nutes, but it looks damn good so far

good luck
thanks for stoping by- I wasn't going to do a journal but, why not.
I wish I had my set-up from the beginning. My LR hardly grew the first two weeks...really set me the shock I gave it three days ago.

Daily update in a couple of hours.......


day 22 and what can I say other than it just won't grow up, it continues to grow out.
I want to start LSTing it but there's no way I can(it's to short and compact):-?

on with the pics

Great little setup ya go there! Always good to see a smokers brain in overdrive!

Have you turned you lights back to 12/12 yet, if not are you using auto flower lowryder?

I am using MG potting soil, also the MG organic and General Hydro nutes in the Ebb and flow system. Just watch out for nute burn, I started giving nutes at 1/2 strength for late stages of flowering and i burned the crap out of one of my ladies.

If you are wanting to get some stretch out of her, try to unscrew a few of the bulbs. Seems that she is getting all she wants right now and wont grow up and make you proud. :) :joint:

Anyway, those are my thoughts.... Peace