Lime Greenish Spots forming on leaves, DrGreenThumbs The Dope... PLEASE HELP!

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
hey guys, itw been quite the while since ive posted, ive been quite busy.

so, on monday i had fertalised all four of my plants, three of them being drrgreenthumbs the dopes, and the one being a sativa bagseed.

now the issue im having is just the other day i had noticed two the plants are forming limegreenish spots on the leaves, some burning at the tip, some burning from the edges in. the two plants that seem to be having these effects are my drgreenthumbs the dopes.

i know it is hard to diagnose an issue as the one i have posted above, without pictures, but i am unable to post any due to an issue with my camera. you guys are the experts, i am an amature, so i could really use some help.

any advice is greatful i cant suffer lossing another plant this season!

the fertaliser i have been using is mirical grow for tomatoes, this is probably around their 3 or 4 time being fertalised, i tend to fertalise around 2 weeks apart.

the plants are all around 2-3 months old and are approx. 3-4 feet tall.

again any advice is greatful, and well appreciated.

happy growing, mr cannabis sativa.


Well-Known Member
miracle grow needs bacteria, and fungi to break it down fully, thats why you can fertilize with it and it will continue to work for a while, whats happening is the two plants have a different available nutrient need, I would suggest checking your ph, both soil and water, get some beneficial bacteria/mychorizae, and flush a little, also look at getting a full nute system

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
alright, so when flushing can i do it right away, or should i wait untill my soil dries out?

and sorry, what do you mean by a " full nute system "
can you give an example by any chance?

i am an amature.

and thank you so much for the help.