Link to TPS press conference re: Potshop robberies


Well-Known Member
What a shit show.

Dispensaries are not reporting because police will investigate them for trafficking and seize anything they can.

Police are doing what they do and enforcing the current laws.

I cant really blame the dispensaries for trying to get a foothold in the market - I do think it's comical that they don't realize there will be no legal "free market". Trudeau and his friends will continue to be the only one selling legal cannabis.

I can't blame the cops - it's thier job to enforce the laws as written. I won't commend them for enforcing these laws but they are doing thier job.

I place the blame squarely in the lap of the federal government. They need to decriminalize immediately and put in place a legal framework that encompasses free market distribution. Cannabis should be treated as any other commodity and not artificially inflated by the black market. I don't for a second believe any of this will happen but it would be nice.


Well-Known Member
its the cops that are robbing them (:
They lit cars on fire for the G summit broke windows wore bandanas

no trouble....well...they just make trouble and say they can fix it... LOL
There are better ways (fix it so they can operate legally)and that wont come up until court.


Well-Known Member
Soo Princes.. (:

How many have you heard about yourself .??
Id take it YOU have a better idea than this cop who pretends that the Dispensaries are the problem. Its a fact that our government made it this way.
If the shit didnt cost so much no one would rob anyone They'd all grow their own.
D's and CC's could run and make/report to the ones who hate them so much and make them respond accordingly..MAybe do their job right for a change and not worry about things they have no control over.
its the peoples plant and the people will say whats what and the harder they push the faster it will go our way! ;)

please show us the proof Mr occifer of the people who have been traumatized.
YOu should have some of them up there standing with you...but you dont...
afraid they will say it how it really is...Like I just did!


Well-Known Member
its the cops that are robbing them (:
They lit cars on fire for the G summit broke windows wore bandanas

no trouble....well...they just make trouble and say they can fix it... LOL
There are better ways (fix it so they can operate legally)and that wont come up until court.
Not the cops. sorry to burst your bubble, based on past stories about this going on in Toronto, it seems it is young black thugs.
All ties back to what I have been saying, they want to act like weed is bad, yet Gangsters are running wild in the streets of Toronto, stabbing people, shooting people, robbing them the police turn around and try to blame it on Cannabis clubs, I blame it on bad policing and pussy cops who are afraid to go into the rough areas and bust gangsters. They are armed to the teeth and the only reason this is on the news is because Cannabis is involved.
Ever noticed how when someone gets murdered in Toronto lately, they always say "It is not gang related, it is an isolated incident, we do not have a gang problem" That reminds me of the wizard of Oz "Do not mind the man behind the curtain" lol fucking joke.

The only good thing is that it exposes what has been going on for sometime in Toronto, they admit they have a problem on their hands now that Cannabis is involved, but truth is, these thugs have been running around robbing and killing for a long time.

Instead of blaming all the problems of the world on cannabis they need to do some real police work and bust the gangsters. How about blaming the Gan manufactures that make the weapons that empower the criminals and not the cannabis clubs?

I find it funny that when they want to bust the clubs they can have men do surveillance on the clubs, but when they know a group of bandits are going around harming citizens to rob some shitty cannabis they do not have surveillance on the clubs? or maybe they do and they are letting the bad guys slide for now only to pick them up in a few months and come off looking the heroes?

It all seems bogus to me.


Well-Known Member
I totally agree the police sound like a bunch of assholes in this press conference. They blame the robberies on disp and clubs not reporting why the fuck would they.... project Claudia destroyed any trust the people in the cannabis community had for law enforcement. Here's an idea maybe the cops should not spend so many resources on non violent crime like project Claudia and actually go after violent criminals. Oh I forgot they are scared.... pigs..... they should really use this press conference as a what not to do for other law enforcement....


Well-Known Member
Not the cops. sorry to burst your bubble, based on past stories about this going on in Toronto, it seems it is young black thugs.
Keep thinking that ...its sadly NOT TRUE
There is video that was taken by a person I know... he passed away last year. He lived right there with a front window view of the entire day. (:
I can talk about it because that video is around and he isnt anymore. :( shows the police park their car where it was burned first thing in the morning when there was no one around,. It shows (with commentary) through an entire day where police put hoods on over their heads... and start causing shit. Those black gang kids your are talking about...had help? lol
It took an entire day of forcing people into a small area to make it LOOK like there was a
so bad they didnt expect a video commentary for the day ;)

There are other videos of those same cops taking them off and arresting people...second later. :lol:
Sorry to burst your bubble dude but It is sadly the truth when it came to the G summit.
NOt sure if its happening with MMJ Dispensaries but ...just an idea as.they've been known to do such BS things in order to get their way..
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Well-Known Member
white guys in hoods..(: HAVE A LOOK..WHITE GUYS... NOT BLACK KIDS geeesus...:confused:

they Disappeared?????? LMAOROTFF there is video showing the guys who put the hoods on and taking them off...

They took off their hood and started arresting people after they lit that car on fire....
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Well-Known Member
you a cop TM ? (:

dont watch it
it may bother you

they are running away because there are a lot of folks realizing what they were doing and wanted to do something about it... and rightfully the police that did this should be arrested for their act!1!
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Well-Known Member
Not the cops. sorry to burst your bubble, based on past stories about this going on in Toronto, it seems it is young black thugs.
All ties back to what I have been saying, they want to act like weed is bad, yet Gangsters are running wild in the streets of Toronto, stabbing people, shooting people, robbing them the police turn around and try to blame it on Cannabis clubs, I blame it on bad policing and pussy cops who are afraid to go into the rough areas and bust gangsters. They are armed to the teeth and the only reason this is on the news is because Cannabis is involved.
Ever noticed how when someone gets murdered in Toronto lately, they always say "It is not gang related, it is an isolated incident, we do not have a gang problem" That reminds me of the wizard of Oz "Do not mind the man behind the curtain" lol fucking joke.

The only good thing is that it exposes what has been going on for sometime in Toronto, they admit they have a problem on their hands now that Cannabis is involved, but truth is, these thugs have been running around robbing and killing for a long time.

Instead of blaming all the problems of the world on cannabis they need to do some real police work and bust the gangsters. How about blaming the Gan manufactures that make the weapons that empower the criminals and not the cannabis clubs?

I find it funny that when they want to bust the clubs they can have men do surveillance on the clubs, but when they know a group of bandits are going around harming citizens to rob some shitty cannabis they do not have surveillance on the clubs? or maybe they do and they are letting the bad guys slide for now only to pick them up in a few months and come off looking the heroes?

It all seems bogus to me.
Just young black thugs eh? No one else? Based on what evidence exactly?Jesus fucking christ racist much?
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Well-Known Member
two things being confused TM

did ya see the one real butt ugly girls ? cop go at the camera guy with her batton? HOLY FRIG SHE WAS NASTY LOOKING
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Well-Known Member
Just young black thugs eh? No one else? Based on what evidence exactly?Jesus fucking christ racist much?
Actually it is the truth, I am not seeing young white men or young Chinese men, or Indian men shooting up the place, it is all wanna be rap thugs.
And trust me I am not racist. Go look at the facts, even the descriptions of the suspects are described as 3 black males.
I am not saying other races do not commit crimes, I am saying that the violent crimes that involve murder and armed robberies is primarily young black misguided thugs. If we can not even admit it, then how the fuck do we address it?

Just google some of these stories -

Mark Moore (Toronto rapping serial killer), this guy is a piece of work. Went around Toronto killing innocent people because he said the devil made him do it and he would become a great rapper if he did so, the star has a shit ton of stories from his court case, a guy even got off with murdering marks younger brother because he told the court he was scared for his life of the brothers and they agreed and let him off with 1st degree murder. He went around Toronto robbing jewelry stores, pimping girls, shooting, assaulting and killing people in his path.

The Danzig shootings, these are crazy because they are linked to the rapper Drake, not directly, but his "security" team (Local gangbangers) are the main gang in this neighborhood and it was their party that got shot up, it is safe to say out of all the bullets flying, they must of been involved.
Anyways again the innocent pay 23 shot and 2 dead,and the gangster lives another day.

Eton Center shooting, I happened to live really close and had just left the mall a few hours before it happened. I was sitting right in the food court were it happened just hours earlier. a guy hits a 13 year old in the head with a bullet and kills 2 of his "Enemy's" ......SMH.......

Toronto condo shootout/kidnapping, this is a very crazy story, right on the 25th floor of a so called secure condo, 2 different gangs decided this is the best place to have a gangwar, right on innocent peoples doorsteps. They had a shootout, then someone got kidnapped, forced to play Russian roulette with a loaded gun, then someone got "raped" eww disgusting.

This guy in this story, shot and killed someone on Bay st in front of the Marriott hotel, they say is not is not gang related, meanwhile he had "accomplices" and people who helped him after the fact,lol what a joke. The other strange point in this story is that the murder suspect in this story, his brother was the victim of the guy guy in the story below, and they concluded that this murder on Bay st was not even in retaliation to his brothers murder, this was just some other beef, nice kids eh?

This guy was wanted for a double murder in the downtown core of Toronto, he and another man killed 2 men in a drug robbery, one of the guys turned himself in, this guy ended up going on the run, then the police caught up with him in the downtown core and some kind of altercation happened and he got killed by the police.

Can't forget the innocent Grandmother that was hit by bullets intended for a gangster in Riverdale, fucking appalling.

One last one, 2 people murdered at a drake concert in Toronto, the kicker is, the Torontopolice wanted to talk to drake and he to this day refuses to talk, he only even reached out to the family after media backlash, I think he knows something, and I think the TPS think he does too, this guy gets praised all over the world but especially in Toronto, he did not even lose his Raptors deal even though he has Gang affiliation and does not work with police on such a grave matter such as murder of a fan. What is he a Gangster or an entertainer? Then he has the audacity to chastise the police and yell Black Lives Matter. What a fucking loser.

Almost all the stories listed happened in high profile place right in the core of the city, that is the reason I even know about them, I used to live in the city and I would pay attention to all the news, and I would see all the gangsters hanging around various places in the city. I could list you like 10 more stories but I got bored and I think I proved my point. I have had friend got guns pulled on them in the city, I myself have been robbed by gun point. I am not racist, if anything sometimes I am slightly sarcastic, but I am still telling the truth at least the way I see it. I point it out for 2 reasons, I am trying to show that this whole Cannabis club is dangerous is a lie because the city of Toronto is dangerous in a whole period. Now they can try to scapegoat it on Cannabis, but the young thugs have been running wild for sometime now.
The second reason i point it out, is it is sad that the primarily young black males in Toronto think we live in America, they think Canada is some kind of bad rough and tough place when in truth it is not, Canada is literally the best place on earth, most of theses kids are 2nd or 3rd Gen Canadian but for some reason act like they just came off a boat. It is sad, these kids could be doing a lot more with their lives specially because we live in such a great country with endless opportunity.
And people on this site can vouch for me I am not a racist.If anything I am a patriotic Canadian.

I point it out because from what I hear the RCMP still spend 2 million a year to fly their chopper to look for cannabis plots, but they have not money to fight crime in Toronto. They Keep saying they want to "Protect" the kids from Cannabis and it's "Harms" but they seem to not think that kids actually dying from bullets is not an epidemic. I have not met kid or family or found a news story of a kid dying from Cannabis yet, in Canada or abroad, but I just showed you a few crazy stories of young men dying right now in Canada. Just my 2 cents.
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Well-Known Member
Actually it is the truth, I am not seeing young white men or young Chinese men, or Indian men shooting up the place, it is all wanna be rap thugs.
And trust me I am not racist. Go look at the facts, even the descriptions of the suspects are described as 3 black males.
I am not saying other races do not commit crimes, I am saying that the violent crimes that involve murder and armed robberies is primarily young black misguided thugs. If we can not even admit it, then how the fuck do we address it?

Just google some of these stories -

Mark Moore (Toronto rapping serial killer), this guy is a piece of work. Went around Toronto killing innocent people because he said the devil made him do it and he would become a great rapper if he did so, the star has a shit ton of stories from his court case, a guy even got off with murdering marks younger brother because he told the court he was scared for his life of the brothers and they agreed and let him off with 1st degree murder. He went around Toronto robbing jewelry stores, pimping girls, shooting, assaulting and killing people in his path.

The Danzig shootings, these are crazy because they are linked to the rapper Drake, not directly, but his "security" team (Local gangbangers) are the main gang in this neighborhood and it was their party that got shot up, it is safe to say out of all the bullets flying, they must of been involved.
Anyways again the innocent pay 23 shot and 2 dead,and the gangster lives another day.

Eton Center shooting, I happened to live really close and had just left the mall a few hours before it happened. I was sitting right in the food court were it happened just hours earlier. a guy hits a 13 year old in the head with a bullet and kills 2 of his "Enemy's" ......SMH.......

Toronto condo shootout/kidnapping, this is a very crazy story, right on the 25th floor of a so called secure condo, 2 different gangs decided this is the best place to have a gangwar, right on innocent peoples doorsteps. They had a shootout, then someone got kidnapped, forced to play Russian roulette with a loaded gun, then someone got "raped" eww disgusting.

This guy in this story, shot and killed someone on Bay st in front of the Marriott hotel, they say is not is not gang related, meanwhile he had "accomplices" and people who helped him after the fact,lol what a joke. The other strange point in this story is that the murder suspect in this story, his brother was the victim of the guy guy in the story below, and they concluded that this murder on Bay st was not even in retaliation to his brothers murder, this was just some other beef, nice kids eh?

This guy was wanted for a double murder in the downtown core of Toronto, he and another man killed 2 men in a drug robbery, one of the guys turned himself in, this guy ended up going on the run, then the police caught up with him in the downtown core and some kind of altercation happened and he got killed by the police.

Can't forget the innocent Grandmother that was hit by bullets intended for a gangster in Riverdale, fucking appalling.

One last one, 2 people murdered at a drake concert in Toronto, the kicker is, the Torontopolice wanted to talk to drake and he to this day refuses to talk, he only even reached out to the family after media backlash, I think he knows something, and I think the TPS think he does too, this guy gets praised all over the world but especially in Toronto, he did not even lose his Raptors deal even though he has Gang affiliation and does not work with police on such a grave matter such as murder of a fan. What is he a Gangster or an entertainer? Then he has the audacity to chastise the police and yell Black Lives Matter. What a fucking loser.

Almost all the stories listed happened in high profile place right in the core of the city, that is the reason I even know about them, I used to live in the city and I would pay attention to all the news, and I would see all the gangsters hanging around various places in the city. I could list you like 10 more stories but I got bored and I think I proved my point. I have had friend got guns pulled on them in the city, I myself have been robbed by gun point. I am not racist, if anything sometimes I am slightly sarcastic, but I am still telling the truth at least the way I see it. I point it out for 2 reasons, I am trying to show that this whole Cannabis club is dangerous is a lie because the city of Toronto is dangerous in a whole period. Now they can try to scapegoat it on Cannabis, but the young thugs have been running wild for sometime now.
The second reason i point it out, is it is sad that the primarily young black males in Toronto think we live in America, they think Canada is some kind of bad rough and tough place when in truth it is not, Canada is literally the best place on earth, most of theses kids are 2nd or 3rd Gen Canadian but for some reason act like they just came off a boat. It is sad, these kids could be doing a lot more with their lives specially because we live in such a great country with endless opportunity.
And people on this site can vouch for me I am not a racist.If anything I am a patriotic Canadian.

I point it out because from what I hear the RCMP still spend 2 million a year to fly their chopper to look for cannabis plots, but they have not money to fight crime in Toronto. They Keep saying they want to "Protect" the kids from Cannabis and it's "Harms" but they seem to not think that kids actually dying from bullets is not an epidemic. I have not met kid or family or found a news story of a kid dying from Cannabis yet, in Canada or abroad, but I just showed you a few crazy stories of young men dying right now in Canada. Just my 2 cents.
Oh im certainly following facts, not prejudice. I have immediate family on the Toronto Gun and Gang task force, but please tell me how youre not racist with these statements. And to that, adding that youre a patriotic Canadian comes off even worse in this particular context. You may as well say "Hey im not racist i have black friends". And then the Drake comment, lol really reaching there fuck. Foot keeps going further into mouth

Oh and the funny thing about "not seeing" other races commit crime, usually comes down to the person looking through a biased filter
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Well-Known Member
Oh im certainly following facts, not prejudice. I have immediate family on the Toronto Gun and Gang task force, but please tell me how youre not racist with these statements. And to that, adding that youre a patriotic Canadian comes off even worse in this particular context. You may as well say "Hey im not racist i have black friends". And then the Drake comment, lol really reaching there fuck. Foot keeps going further into mouth

Oh and the funny thing about "not seeing" other races commit crime, usually comes down to the person looking through a biased filter
Then you should ask your family about it. Explain how my comments about Drake are far fetched? he is totally gang affiliated.
I think you need to re read what I wrote and think about it, then go click on some of the proof I provided you. I did not say whites do not commit crimes. And Like I said I am very much not a racist.


Well-Known Member
Good idea id never though about it!............Jesus Christ man. Your posts are not open to interpretation, you made it very clear in what you said. No sense trying to back pedal now