Link4 - iPonic 614 Sensor Calibration


My name is Joe and I am using an iPonic 614 system to control humidity, CO2, and temperature in a 20' x 50' grow room. I am having fits with the sensors staying calibrated and have been trying to deal with Link4- unsuccessfully, nice folks but not that helpful.

Sooo... the question I have, is anyone else having this problem? How did you solve it? Is it a programming issue, or a sensor quality issue?

If I calibrate the sensors it may last an hour, or a day, or a week... completely random, but then the calibration will be off and costs me money.
Hey Joe,
I am currently using a handful of these controllers. Overall these controllers are great, once you begin using then low voltage control.

These sensors are very very sensitive. It took me a long ass time to feel comfortable with what they were reading. A few key factors to consider when calibrating are:
Air flow
Light - distance from grow light/partial shade
Reaction time of other hygro/thermometers you are using

Out of the box my sensors were reading 15% higher then 3 different brand new hygrometers.

To be safe I leave a couple near the sensor, cover all of them when spraying and recalibrate at least at the beginning of every cycle.