liquid comfry fertilizer

:leaf:the plant contains
nitrogen, phosphorus, potasium
N:P:K = 8:2.6:20.5%
Its a very high potash feed.

:leaf:the fresh leaves with C/N ratio = 10
contains more nitrogen than farmyard manure C/N ratio = 14

:leaf:dilute the consentrated comfry salution 1 - 5

:leaf:1st you take a drum depending on how much of the salution you require, fill it 1/2 with comfry leaves broken or cut into chunks, then fill the container up with water leave it for 14 days sturring and mixing it every 2nd day, you will see it turn into a dark green and stinking salution full of goodness.

:leaf:dont forget dilute the comfry salution 1 - 5,

:wall: ive burnt some normal plants before with 3/5 mixes but not weed yet, but i wouldent sugest making it to strong.

:!: remember over fertilizing is more hazirdis than under fertilizing.

:leaf:i do exactly the same with my bat guano, put it in a drum mix it with water and let it stand.

:leaf:i also use hydroperoxide in my feeding process.

so my fertilizing mixture goes as follows
i take 1lt comfry, 1lt bat guano and 20 drops hydroperoxide and then i mix it with 10lt water.
thats about a 1lt per plant.
i feed my plants once a week.

starting from left
1 - comfry plant.
2 - comfry leaves cut into chunks.
3 - consentrated comfry salution.
4 - consentrated bat guano.​



Well-Known Member
Comfrey is an excellent source of nitrogen, not to mention phosphorous. I heap it in my garden, tomatoes love it. It also grows like a weed and will take over an area in no time. Old timers use it to heal cuts and wounds.


Well-Known Member
its great for nitrogen, but be warned, it takes magnesium out if soil, so do watch out for mag deficiency