Little black specs? With pics.


So been checking my trichs to see how much longer. Strain is S.A.G.E. and grown in a dwc bucket. Week 11 of 12/12. Aa I was looking I saw some black specs. Thought they might be trics at first but not sure about that. Heres my pics.

Also I noticed a couple gnats fly out of my res last time I added water.

I might just chop her tomorrow. Alot of cloudy trichs a couple ambere here and there.

Any suggestions?

Zoom in spots are on the stem



Is it bad? I only see it there and on an old cylax one on the main stem very small. Smaler than a trichome head.


Active Member
Hard to say. In the past I have had similar black spots that were in fact excrement from gnats... It is possible that it could just be dirt/dust as well.