Little Help please


I have been growing for years, I just ran into trouble I cant figure out.
I have my girls in flower over 60 days and show no sign in flowering 12/12 off,
Just stumped I have the right nuts and the right 12/12 bugs I can see everything is growing big just no buds.this is a strain I have worked with for years,
I just am stumped, any help will be greatly appreciated....Thanks 420cool:joint:


Well-Known Member
you mean theres ZERO sign of sex after 60 DAYS of flowering? as far an i know thats unheard of. check your timer man, are you CERTAIN its on 12/12 on/off?


Well-Known Member
i hear some sativas can live for years in the vegetative state, kinda looks like a chinese maple when it gets that big.


Yes its a pot plant great Black jack Herrera, that I have been growing for years,
The top leaves are curling, I think they are getting way too close to my 600w light with a new bulb. maybe I should go back to the old bulb, Just stumped.....


Well-Known Member
thats what im sayin doberman, 60 days is long as hell, ive never heared of someone waiting for the plant to flower for that long. they must be stretched like a bastard


They are very big, I grow in a 30 gal container with a well underneath about 5 gal res..soil grow.... the new timer is electronic so I just set it it seems to work well see tomorrow am LOL thanks for your Ideas Guys...