little orange spots, wilting......


Active Member
so yeah, it's be great if i could get some response on this before i fuck something up. ok so according to tracking info my sh bubble system should be here today:mrgreen: but im already growing 2 ladies in miracle grow moisture control potting soil, under 3 cfls, and 2 2' flo grow lites from communist walmart. and i want to say maybe....oh i dunno 31/2 weeks flowering, but we were expirementing with a first grow and the vegged for litterally months. but anyway now they're seem to be doing decent tons of trichs on the one that already budded but the other started flowering on the 12 12 nicely as well. but on some of the larger leaves on the little lady, there are some orange spots, im not really all that worried as the rest of the plant looks amazing, but my girlfriend is and since its hers im obligated. but today i took a quick peek at mine, the larger one, and some of the leaves up top seem to be drooping a touch. we used some miracle grow fert..(i know dont chastize me) in the beginning but have flushed them on every water since then, about every 2 or 3 days. and the larger also has some yellowing on the leaf tips, again not that worried but would still like to know. ok now, the next issue. should i attempt to clone my plant, and toss it in the bubble system, or should i just wait? every stalk has female flowers on it, tiny as they may be they are there, so should i push it back to veg and then clone or stop being impatient? ok, well like i said this thing is coming today and some input extremely soon would just be super! thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
you flush every time you water, so every three days or so? i think your drowning your plant bro. let that shit dry out somegive it like three days and water it with like 3/4 bottle water with a drop or two dish soap.