Little white bugs in soil!!



I am about 40 days into flowering and I saw these little white bugs when I went to water the plants this morning! Here is a link:

They seem'd quite abundant as soon as I watered the plants. As the water settled, they do not seem as abundant or have completely gone away.

We also removed a mushroom from this plant a few days ago. I read something about springtails liking mushrooms?

Sorry for the dead leaves in the pot, haven't removed them yet.

I'm sure this is common, advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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Well-Known Member
Can't say for sure from the video but may not be a big deal. I have little white guys like that in my worm bin quite a bit, especially when I put down too much greens. They may be feeding on your dead leaves. If you see damage occurring to your plant then you can saturate your soil with Azamax, neem, BT, whatever works.


Well-Known Member
spring tails... i dont think they damage your weed besides eating the dead shit in your soil. just cover the top layer with an inch of sand


Well-Known Member
I have the exact same problem i thought they were spider mites but I guess not. I also know for sure they came in the shitty soil I got at a desperate time never will i make that mistake twice.