Living soil transplant issues


Active Member
KIMG0044.JPGHey they got a 3'x3'x18" raised living soil bed. Just transplanted 3 of my animal jam babies into it and I'm having some spots and light green new growth showing. I had the seeds under cfl now they are under a 250w led with the same CFLs on them as well. I guess my question is, is this just normal transplanting issues or is there something else I should be looking at... Thanks in advanceKIMG0046.JPGKIMG0045.JPG
Thanks for the post, I have my heat set at 74 +or- 3degree. And the light I just put them under is about 2 feet away. That's all ok isn't it
I'm seeing light stress and a previous issue. Have to agree with the "hog". Looks good now. Raise the lights or turn one off. Best wishes.