local seeds


Active Member
okay so I managed to buy seeds from a local bank in sunny South Africa, they arrived one week later. this is after my first bag seed attempt which failed miserably.

I paid around $40 for 18 seeds and got 4 seeds for free

* 6 x AK 47
* 6 x Sangoma
* 6 x Super Silver Skunk
* 4 x random seeds

My grow area is my cupboard, 550* 650mm and adjustable height to about 1.7m

I'm running a

* 4" DIY stainless steel air cooled reflector, 400w HID system for vegging and flowering.
* two 85w CFLs for seedlings
* one 4" extractor fan
* one 6" fan for air circulation

The area is not light sealed but the room the cupboard is in is lightproof. I have no carbon filter as yet, I will buy it when smell actually becomes a problem.

Received the seeds two weeks ago and immediately started germination.

The two seeds at the back (or ontop in the second pic) are the sangoma seeds and infront (at the bottom) are the AK47 seeds



Active Member
day 30 and chaos ensued since my last post

it turns out the soil I purchased was loaded with nutrients (I specifically asked the lady for soil with nutrients) and the plants started burning quickly. I gave them two heavy waterings last week in an attempt to flush the soil slightly and gave them another heavy water yesterday and placed them under a 400w Metal Halide bulb.

For 30 days since I started germination, I feel the plants have stunted as a result of what happened last week. I will give them another week and see what happens and then decide from there if I have to start over, a rather dissapointing end to a promising start.
