

Hey first time outdoor grower here,
I have a small plant (dosidos) that is showing signs of what I think might be a manganese lockout, it is given tiger bloom and big bloom at a little over quarter dose once a week when it’s watered. Which is generally once to twice a week. I also gave it cal mag last week, water is now always ph’d right around 6-6.5 although it wasn’t in the past, is grown in ocean forest soil. It is 3-1/2 weeks into flower and showing slow growth and slowly yellowing leaves with brown spots right on the veins and a few burnt leaf tips. It was flushed two weeks ago with 3x pot size water only ph’d the last 3 of them and didn’t ph nutes up until the last few feedings after flush. Also Thinking it might be lockout due to not ph’ing everytime, Tap water here is about 8.0. Have also had a lot of rain lately with 80-90% humidity have a fan on the plants and have a canopy so they’re covered at all times.


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Water in epsom salt at 1 tsp per gallon for a couple of times should bounce back. get a microbe product and use it once a week sparingly.
right on ...take a pic today and one in a few days lets say five and post it. Should see a difference at that point. I give advice but never get to see what happens.

weed plants are mag whores.

i concur about being mag whores, i'm always, well, not always, but often enough, running into a mag def.. epsom salts are a god send from the weed gods, lol.. :)
Looks like not enough nitrogen going into flower. Tiger Bloom is 2-8-4 and Big Bloom has basically no nitrogen. If you vegged in that same soil it could be lacking at this point and flushing it like you have would have depleted the soil even more of all nutrients. At this point you can only do so much. Less would be better. Just give it a good balanced feed and stop dumping 3x the pot size of water through them.
the op could of had added more nitrogen during veg and needs to learn how to feed better but the plants want the mag and in this case P as well which adding microbes would help that.

not having a shit ton of nitrogen in there at this point is a good thing.

Nitrogen makes a plant grow, magnesium makes it green.