Lolly popping in flower


Well-Known Member
Week 1 into flower had to lollypop due to running out of space is this how much I should of taken off? Too much/not enough?
Also should I lollypop them after the stretch has stopped or do it now?, was thinking it would slow the stretch down if i done it now? This is my first time using this technique does it increase yield?



Well-Known Member
Topping, LST and supercropping will all do more for your yield. Canopy management is key in indoor grows. Clearing out the bottom shit improves air circulation, makes trimming easier, and redirects nutrients to more promising bud locations, but managing the top of your plant is where you improve yield the most.


Well-Known Member
They need to spend their energy on bud mode not repair mode. Try and do all your pruning in veg. If a plant has alot of extra foliage...prune off some of those big nute sucking fan leaves


Well-Known Member
I only lollypoped one then thought should i wait until the stretch has finished. Hench why I posted on here will go in there tomorrow and see the difference to the one I have lolled and the rest that I haven't.