Long term growing media for Trees or Vines [Coco, Sand, Perlite, Pebbles?]

Hi all

I've been toying with the idea of growing a tree or a vine in a long lasting passive hydroponics setup using natural sunlight.

My only problem is, how long can I realistically expect the tree or vine to last? I was originally thinking of growing it in a Drip Feed system using Hydroton, but the thought of the pump not going on when I've gone away for a few days and coming back to dead 2+ year old plants makes me cringe.

I want to grow it pretty much like a normal soiled plant, but using Nutrient solutions to feed it.

So my question is, for long term crops/trees/plants, what is the longest lasting growing medium?

If I use coco, will that deteriate too much for the tree after a few years? Will it be susceptible to mould?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I've been pulling hairs over this, as I'm keen to get some new plants into my bare backyard.

The Rabbit Down Under.


Well-Known Member
From experience I can tell you that realistically you will not be able to grow anything with a taproot. Unless it's in soil. Thick, fleshy roots do not lend themselves to hydroponics. If you only want to use water and air as a medium grow any plant with a fiberous root system.