Long term use - best air stones?


Well-Known Member
Alright folks I need some input. I've been growing perpetually in 5 gallon buckets for 4-5 years nonstop. I was using air stones for the first few years but I found that the stones tend to clog fairly often. Is there any brands out there that you've had great luck with long term? I switched from the air stones to just an air line with no stone at the end. This leads to a lot of water movement but I think it's the cause of my root rot issues.

This is the air pumps I'm running - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BG2BT9RX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1

I'm open to any suggestions.
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these still needed to be cleaned but they seemed like they lasted longer than others i tried
These are used in fish hatcheries and make very fine bubbles that are good at raising D.O. levels. A bit pricey but made from ceramic and are easy to clean and can be sanded with fine sandpaper when they clog up. 20230920_220439.jpg
I have long pots soo i just use one of those long boys.i had to buy 5 of them most where big bubbles but 2 where almost perfect 80% tiny bubbles.
I found these have worked for me for about 6 years, I have tried to grab some more not due to necessity, but to have extra. Awesome product.
I was wondering if anyone knows why exactly our stones clog up? Is it the roots growing into the stone? That's usually when mine starts to slow down and stop is when the roots get down there. Would putting a nylon stocking over the stone mitigate this?
They are quite easy to clean, first you should brush the crap under the sink and then let them dry 2-3 days, they will work like a brand new. No need to use soap or cleaner.
Amazon. You won't find the "spider" I think that from about a decade ago. But the guy is using this
Raindrip 015005T 1/4-Inch by 50-Foot Soaker Hose Tubing for Drip Irrigation, Use in Vegetable Garden, Planters, and Borders, 50-Foot, Black https://a.co/d/bX25mKa
And various aquarium air line connectors. I did something very similar when I was DWC. Although I used stainless steel nuts instead of washers. Kept the bubbler closer to the bottom. An Insane amount of bubbles