Long time smoker, First time grower, Love the site, Still have questions


First off I want to thank everyone and roll it up for everything. I've been doing nothing but reading for the past two weeks waiting on my clones.
I still, however, have a few questions.
There has been a lot of people disagreeing on the flowering cycle light time. Some say 24 hours is fine but others disagree. My clones (White Widow, Bubble gum, and WWX{Newfoundlands own strain in the works}) i bought via donation have been running on a 24 hour cycle. They have slight browning on the leaves but nothing major. One of my white widows doesn't seen quite right. It's leaves are growing out stange (The last Picture) should I change the cycle to 18-6 or just let it go? Should I trim off the brown tips? I'm not sure when the plants were feed nukes last, should I wait a week before I feed them any? They are only just over two weeks old.
I also have seeds germinating in my Aerogarden:) My true veg room isn't finished yet so my Rockband book will have to do for now:)


Well-Known Member
Flower light schedule is normally 12/12 dude. 18/4 may not help, but 18/6 may keep them in veg... I would cut the tips of all the fan leaves while cloning, but you say your 2 weeks in... Nukes will definately kill your plant, but some nutes in 1/4 recomended dosage should do the trick dude... Guess the 2 weeks really helped...


Active Member
Also you need to get a PH meter and see what deficiency you have!! And write down when you nute and with what so you don't get it all mixed up!


Well-Known Member
I would start by taking the aluminum foil out, it can cause hot spots - if you're strapped for cash you can use emergency blankets for reflection. Bring the lights closer - only an inch or two from your plants - this way they won't stretch trying to reach it. If the tips of your leaves are browning you are probably overdoing the nutes, cut back some. Lastly, the third pic, your baby looks a bit over watered. Make sure the soil is drying out in between waterings.
Good luck!:peace: