Long Time Smoker First Time Grower Need Your Help!


New Member
Hi everyone-

Great to be a part of this group! I'm growing NL in hydro. I stared out with nute burn with a EC of about 1.7 I reduced down to .9 to .6. The leaves are dark green but when I reduced the nutes they are looking bright green in the center. Also the girls sure look bushy to me. One more thing it took forever to sprout seeds where planted April 1st 2014. Pic is from today. Here's a pic and thanks in advance!



Well-Known Member
Looks to me like you're on the right track. I don't know why if you're new to growing you'd go Hydro? Soil is more forgiving and is easier for newbie growers. However, this is just my opinion. Good Luck and Happy Growing. May all of your harvests be plentiful.


New Member
Thanks so much. The hydro was not the best idea but hey you gotta start somwhere. Now one question should I keep the EC at .6 or less for a while and why is it so dang bushy? Well that's two questions. Again thanks for you time!